Tag: Meet The Family

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A Beautiful Lifetime Event by shalott

Sequels/In Same Universe: Surprise,Double Bed

There's also Parenting in the Pegasus Galaxy by Brighid, but it's in a locked post. That's the story about Hyp getting her period.

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A Fear of Falling Under by race_the_ace

Waking up with John still sleeping soundly in his arms, holding on to Cam, was what Cam was most thankful for this Thanksgiving. It wasn’t often that he woke up before John, Cam could count the number of times it had happened on one hand. So he stayed very still, and kept his breathing slow and even, so he didn’t wake his husband up. Part of This Delicate Thing We've Made

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Baby Steps by gottalovev

Don't Ask Don't Tell is history and it throws John for a loop. If he's going to come out of the closet, he'll do it at his pace.

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Backwards Walk by race_the_ace

There's a wedding, a reunion, and a massive cake.

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Balance by somehowunbroken

'He had a stroke, John thinks as Sam leaves his quarters. Dad had a stroke, and he’s paralyzed, and Dave got the message to me.'

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Better Days by somehowunbroken

Vacations aren't really the best when you're staying with family.

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Christmas Lights by rubygirl29

John and Ronon's first Christmas on earth isn't quite what they had expected.

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Close Enough to Flying by skieswideopen

John and Teyla accompany Cam to his parents' house in Kansas to help with some home repairs.

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Coffee And Cake by Bluflamingo

In which John gets promoted, meets the new Air Force liaison officer, and tries to do damage control around his oldest niece.

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Comment fic - family by smaragdbird

John was pretty sure that if he hadn't loved Evan beforehand, he would have loved him simply for his family.

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Debbie Does Dallas and John Sheppard Does Everyone Else by race_the_ace

A series of nine unrelated ficlets and they really aren't as slutty as the title makes it sound, I just thought it was funny. John/Bruce Wayne, John/Cameron Mitchell, John/Castiel, John/Connor Davids, John/David Parrish, John/Eliot Spencer, John/Evan Lorne, John/Jonas Quinn, John/Steve McGarrett

Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index

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Debbie Does Dallas and John Sheppard Does Everyone Else by race_the_ace

A series of nine unrelated ficlets and they really aren't as slutty as the title makes it sound, I just thought it was funny. John/Bruce Wayne, John/Cameron Mitchell, John/Castiel, John/Connor Davids, John/David Parrish, John/Eliot Spencer, John/Evan Lorne, John/Jonas Quinn, John/Steve McGarrett

Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index

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Dreams We Never Expected by Bluflamingo

Cam's attempt to reach out to John after Sheppard Snr dies ends up going a little differently than he expected.

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Farm Holiday by Goddess47

Almost-gen. Focus on John and Cam's friendship.

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Halloween Party by camshaft22

Cam takes John with him to his parents' Halloween party.

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Headline News by Slybrarian

Cam realized that secret make-out spots didn't necessary stay secret for twenty years right about the time his bare ass ended up on the internet.

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Homecoming by sgamadison

Rodney decides he and John need a vacation where they don't get shot at; turns out dealing with family can be more painful.

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Homecoming by somehowunbroken

Cam and John visit Auburn, where John is immediately pronounced "Uncle Cam's," to the amusement of all.

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How Not to Fly by toomuchplor

Death and life, hope and hopelessness, aren't just for the Pegasus galaxy. Eventually, inevitably, it's going to happen on Earth. John and Rodney, loss and family and what it means to be home.

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John/Cam drabbles by somehowunbroken

Nine fluffy John/Cam drabbles written for a Stargateland challenge.

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Keep On Rollin' by Slybrarian

Cam decides that a road trip is just what John needs to get out of his funk.

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Skips a generation by velocitygrass

As it turns out, John and Rodney's grandfathers knew each once once...

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Theory of Relativity by race_the_ace

John goes back home for the first time in fifteen years and learns that maybe time is relative after all.

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Untitled fic by scichick_2

Cam drops everything to go to Patrick Sheppard's wake and finally meets John's brother.

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