Tag: Sheppard/Parrish
Because by
All John really wants to do is sleep, but fortunately for him David Parrish comes to the rescue.
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Devil's in the Details by
The Pegasus Galaxy is a strange and dangerous place, with strange rituals and customs that must be navigated with caution.
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Hailing Frequencies Closed by
Reaching out is impossible if the person you are reaching for won't take your hand.
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Holiday Drabble by
David makes sure he’s in his lab every morning at 0624, because that’s when the Colonel runs by.
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Houseplants by
John maybe likes David even more than his favorite houseplant. Part of The Lost Language of Flowers series.
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I'd Wait Longer (... For You) by
John thought there were some upsides to being on leave.
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Mediocre Passions by
John and David becomes friends. They both want more, but all is not easy sailing.
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More Than Plants by
Five things Lorne told Sheppard about Parrish before 'Remnants'.
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Saying Thanks by
John thanks Parrish for saving his life off-world.
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Upsides ('Pros') by
John thought there were some upsides to being on Earth... Okay, so John getting to see Cameron everyday might've been the only one, but still.
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sweet briar, bon-fire, strawberry wire, and columbine by
Sequel to The Lost Language of Flowers. David and John's relationship progresses.
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the lost language of flowers by
John apologizes, and David realizes that he owes the Colonel an apology as well.
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