Author: race_the_ace
Website: None
A Fear of Falling Under by
Waking up with John still sleeping soundly in his arms, holding on to Cam, was what Cam was most thankful for this Thanksgiving. It wasn’t often that he woke up before John, Cam could count the number of times it had happened on one hand. So he stayed very still, and kept his breathing slow and even, so he didn’t wake his husband up. Part of This Delicate Thing We've Made
A Little Resurrection Every Time I Fall by
When Sam falls into Hell, Dean doesn’t go to Lisa, he goes to Vegas, because, well, it’s Vegas.
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Airplanes and Shooting Stars by
Connor is, and John is, and together they are. Part of Being Connor Sheppard-Davies.
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Almost Free by
John Sheppard was almost free. But everyone knows, almost doesn't count.
Along Latitudes and Satellites by
Cam needs to stop going out into the field. He’s mostly retired, now, only on Atlantis because that’s where the rest of him is.
Anywhere But Here by
John’s stuck so he daydreams about where he’d rather be. Connor is there to conveniently poke holes in his daydream. Part of Being Connor Sheppard-Davids.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
As Deep Cries Out To Deep by
John Sheppard had served his country and just wanted to be left alone for the rest of his life. Too bad Rodney McKay had other ideas. So when John moves to Atlantis, at Rodney's behest, he discovers more than the City of the Ancients, he discovers Evan Lorne.
Backwards Walk by
There's a wedding, a reunion, and a massive cake.
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Checking for a pulse, but I just don't know by
Dean’s sure that neither of them have been alright in a long time.
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Crawling Towards Eternity by
An entirely cliché fic about John’s dad being a mafia boss and Cam falling for John and then breaking up with him and then buying him a pony. Or something like that.
Debbie Does Dallas and John Sheppard Does Everyone Else by
A series of nine unrelated ficlets and they really aren't as slutty as the title makes it sound, I just thought it was funny. John/Bruce Wayne, John/Cameron Mitchell, John/Castiel, John/Connor Davids, John/David Parrish, John/Eliot Spencer, John/Evan Lorne, John/Jonas Quinn, John/Steve McGarrett
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Debbie Does Dallas and John Sheppard Does Everyone Else by
A series of nine unrelated ficlets and they really aren't as slutty as the title makes it sound, I just thought it was funny. John/Bruce Wayne, John/Cameron Mitchell, John/Castiel, John/Connor Davids, John/David Parrish, John/Eliot Spencer, John/Evan Lorne, John/Jonas Quinn, John/Steve McGarrett
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Deluded Effort by
Cam put all this effort into wooing John, too bad no one told him that John Sheppard was head over heels for him already.
Entwined to Perfection by
Sometimes John thinks Connor doesn’t get it, but sometimes he’s pretty fucking sure he does. Part of Becoming Connor Sheppard-Davids.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Everybody Here Is Out Of Sight by
That really cliché story of overhearing two people in love that you didn’t know were in love.
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Holiday Drabble by
Someone keeps leaving presents in Cam's office.
Holiday Drabble by
David makes sure he’s in his lab every morning at 0624, because that’s when the Colonel runs by.
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Holiday Drabble by
ne of the things John loves about Cam, is the way they can be in the middle of the Pegasus Galaxy but Cam will still enthusiastically celebrate every holiday.
Holiday Drabble by
One of John’s favorite things about Christmas is the way Connor was all his for the day.
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Holiday Drabble by
Cam learns about John's private Christmas tradition.
Holiday Drabble by
Cam's making fudge and John has plans.
Holiday Drabble by
Evan had never imagined that John would turn out to be everything he wanted.
I Still Can't Turn Away by
John goes surfing. Part of the being Connor Sheppard-Davids series.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
I Want to be Your Last First Kiss by
John’s a bartender, Jonas is an ad-executive; this is their story.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
If You Weather Love by
This was supposed to be the hooker fic where neither John nor Cam are hookers. I mean, it’s still that fic, but somewhere along the line, it was less about the hooker and more about the symbolism that Cam doesn’t get but that doesn’t matter because John will explain it if Cam asks.
Indolent and Awkward by
John and Evan's relationship started out really awkwardly.
It's Lonely Where You Are (Come Back Down) by
John isn’t supposed to be there, but he is anyway. Eliciting promises shouldn’t take so much planning. (John/Castiel)
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Keep Breathing by
John gives Connor a Valentine. Part of the Being Connor Sheppard-Davids verse.
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Loving You by
John and Connor talk about declassification. Part of the Being Connor Sheppard-Davids verse.
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Mediocre Passions by
John and David becomes friends. They both want more, but all is not easy sailing.
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More Than Plants by
Five things Lorne told Sheppard about Parrish before 'Remnants'.
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More Than Who We Are (I Won't Tell Them Your Name) by
"And now we're grown up orphans that never knew their names, we don't belong to no one--that's a shame. But if you could hide beside me, maybe for a while, and I won't tell no one your name."
Neverland by
Sequel to The Only One. Just because they're married doesn't mean that John's issues have magically disappeared.
Nothing To Get Hung About by
Cam wants strawberries, John has some for sale.
Out of the Equation by
Rodney's POV on DADT being repealed on Atlantis... and the surprise he's in for.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Palms and Eyes Open Wide by
Aliens made them drink, the drinking made them do pretty much everything else. Part of the Being Connor Sheppard-Davies series.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Remember When (It Was Together) by
It’s not until he’s thirty-five that he realizes there’s something seriously fucked up about him. It’s way too late to care, though, and beyond too late to do anything about it. John tries, though, just a little.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Retrace The Steps (As If We Forgot) by
John showed up at Cam’s doorstep about an hour after Cam had finally fallen asleep. Cam hadn’t seen John Sheppard in more years than he could remember, but that didn’t change the fact that he would do anything for him. So Cam stepped aside and ushered John in out of the night.
Showing Restraint (Is Never Necessary) by
John loves to be restrained, and Evan loves to give him what he loves.
Sing to Me by
John is about as broken as a person can be, but Cam's still fascinated by him.
So Many Things We're Not by
John’s been a reaper for almost 42 years. Sometimes he has lots of yellow sticky notes, sometimes he has none. Sometimes he tells Ronon he loves him, sometimes he lets Ronon fuck him hard over his desk. It’s never both for the first two, but it’s not never for the last two.
So Pretty by
Just because Evan calls John "sir" doesn't mean that he's the one in charge...
Something for the Soul by
John and Eliot hug (crossover with Leverage).
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Gravity of Tempered Grace by
Cam decides he’s done being alone and he wants to be done being alone with John.
The Things We Do For Love by
John wants to have sex, Connor wants… something else. AKA: John is so fucking whipped and loves it.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Walls of Atlantis by
Everyone on Atlantis know that John Sheppard is completely oblivious to anything that even resembles a come-on.
Theory of Relativity by
John goes back home for the first time in fifteen years and learns that maybe time is relative after all.
This Place Was an Empire by
John wakes up freaky mind-bonded to Connor and things get weird from there.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Turn A Phrase (And Rise Again) by
"Turn a phrase, and rise again, or fake your death and only tell your closest friend."
We're Chasing All Those Stars by
Everybody has a secret; John Sheppard has three.
Words by
Cam's mother comes for a visit. Part of This Delicate Thing We've Made.
You Just Might Get It All by
It takes a while, but Ronon eventually learns that good things come to those who wait.
You Know You're No Better by
John Sheppard is a Sentinel, Evan is his Guide, and Ronon is his Lover.
Lists: Threesomes and moresomes master list, Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index