Tag: Beckett/Sheppard

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A Call at Night by ShayaSar

An AU in which John is a pilot, Carson is a doctor and someone joins their life and changes it forever.

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A Healer's Touch by Dr_Dredd

He'd always wanted to be able to heal with a touch.

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About Trust by ShayaSar

The real reason why John didn't want to let Rodney into his room.

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Adrift by Dark and Goldeneyed

Carson gets abducted, John gets desperate. Angst and whumpage ensues.

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Another Time by miera

A shared shower after a trying mission.

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Anywhere But Here by miera

Beckett and Sheppard UST on a quiet beach.

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At Sunset by ShayaSar

Carson and John celebrate their anniversary.

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Captain Kirk and Dr McCoy by Skidmo

Captain Kirk is the TV character John Sheppard plays in real life.

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Captured by Recognizer

Carson is out on a hunt, but the hunter soon becomes the hunted.

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Chill by Beanie Sheppard

Warning - Canon character death

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Cold Warmth by kyrdwyn

While Carson had wanted to assess John's emergency care skills, being John's patient wasn't exactly how he would have planned it.

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Copy by Bluflamingo

John thinks that clone!Carson's memory might be a little fucked up.

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Dark Clouds and Silver Linings by Prinzessn

John and Carson discuss dark clouds, finding their silver lining, and there's bowling involved too.

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Darkness Comes by Recognizer

Sequel to Captured. John and Carson are pitted against each other in an off-world training exercise once more, but when one goes missing, the other must rescue his lover from darkness.

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Down From the Pits by Waldo

John eats something he shouldn't have.

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Drawing Life by victoriaely

Six years after Carson left Atlantis, John visits him in Scotland.

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Faint Is the Proper Medical Term by Waldo

Carson faints. He doesn't pass out, he doesn't swoon, he faints. Because that's the proper medical term. He's okay with that.

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Full Recovery by orion_fics

After John's encounter with Carson's retrovirus, Carson want to make sure that he's completely recovered.

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Gaijin by sam_gamgee(aka Adrian)

Rodney/John (but only in one part), Rodney/OFC, Rodney/Chuck/Evan, Carson/John

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Getting It Right by victoriaely

Carson wished he could just forget everything and spend an hour or two talking to John about simple things, like favourite colours, or food, or roller-coasters, but somehow, all they got to talk about was death and pain.

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Happy Fourth of July by The Tenth Muse

Major Sheppard finds someone to celebrate the fourth of July with.

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Helping Hand by ankhmutes

After an accident offworld, John needs a helping hand.

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Holiday Drabble by race_the_ace

Carson comes home from his mother's funeral.

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Home's a Lie by kyrdwyn

Carson opts not to go back to Atlantis, and John realizes what he's lost.

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I Lost Him by SexyHugh88/Jessica

Aftermath of Rodney on morphine…

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In Sun And Shower by Rachael Sabotini

Carson's looking forward to getting back to Atlantis, but John surprises him first.

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In the Shadows by princessangelwings

John is under the influence of bad vodka.

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Infirmary Series by miera

A series of short interludes chronicling Carson's emotional attachment to John.

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Inside by ShayaSar

This is what is going on in Sheppard's head while Thalan is controlling his body.

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Inside by ShayaSar

What the heck had been going on inside Sheppard's mind when he shared it with Thalen?

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Ironic by Chacha

John and Carson look back at their relationship.

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Irresistible, Not by scifislasher

John is peeved after the events of 'Irresistible'.

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It Was Easy... by McShepChick15

It was easy to fall apart... hard to put yourself back together.

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Kiss by Merlin7

Major Sheppard comes by the infirmary for a surprise visit.

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Layers of Guilt by Prinzessn

Hindsight is always twenty-twenty.

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Left Behind by Rhiannon Morwenna

Dead: Rodney (also Beckett/Sheppard) (PG). Part of a series: Prequels: A Slow Dance, Resentment, Lessons Learned, Madness and Craving, Too Little Too Late (character death), and A Week of Emptiness (character death)

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Life Is a Rollercoaster by admiralandrea

John and Carson deal with the aftermath of another Ancient screw up.

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Liquid Courage by Skidmo

Carson had always enjoyed parties.

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Misunderstandings by Skidmo

Carson and Rodney are acting strangely. John grows suspicious.

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Moments by Jennamajig

John gets a gift from Carson's mother in the mail.

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Movie Club by Waldo

If you came to Movie Club alone, you sat in one of the chairs or sprawled out on one of the pillows. The sofas were unofficially reserved for couples looking for the nearest thing to a 'night out' that could be found in the city.

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Much Ado About Underthings by Lady Koori

Someone’s stolen Rodney’s boxers.

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Never Did, Never Will by ZebraBlonde

John ponders lost opportunities.

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Not A Game by Prinzessn

John's away and Caldwell's up to no good.

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Not Looking So Good by ShayaSar

This was really not the way John had envisioned his time filling in for Elizabeth. But Carson makes it better in the end.

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Of Sturgeons and Switches by Waldo

A misdirected email sparks an over-due discussion.

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On the Day Before by Waldo

John's mouth gets ahead of John's brain.

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Opportunities by wisenboi WIP

Beckett and Sheppard cross paths regarding the project involving "Michael" but move to make amends, off hours.

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Out of the Equation by race_the_ace

Rodney's POV on DADT being repealed on Atlantis... and the surprise he's in for.

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Out of the Everywhere by kyrdwyn

An offworld incident leaves Carson pregnant with his and John's child.

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Parting Only to Meet Again by Cassie Jamie

Sheppard/Becket sex, McKay/Sheppard/Beckett & McKay/Sheppard implied

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Personal Habits by miera

Carson ponders the tics of his various colleagues.

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Persuasion by Skidmo

John's not gonna forgive Carson just like that.

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Run by deliciouslyweird WIP

Major Sheppard goes for a run.

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Running Man by Waldo

John and Carson discuss Ford and Ronon.


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Scrubs by anne isabelle

Carson's scrubs gives John an epiphany.

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Tattoos by SPT

Carson's always been fascinated by tattoos.

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Thaw by miera

Post-"Conversion" encounter between John and Carson.

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The Brightest Star of Ages Yet To Be by kyrdwyn

Beckett/Larrin, Lorne/OFC, Parrish/OFC, Sumner/Marilyn

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The Doctor Is In by Merlin7

Carson gives John a private examination.

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The End Of The Day by Merlin7

John goes for a swim in the cold ocean. Carson warms him up.

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The Enemy Within by Kez

John is captured by the Wraith and experimented on.

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Times of Quiet by Prinzessn

John and Carson enjoys some quiet time together.

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To Make A Long Night Shorter by Waldo

For John, watching Ford recover was worse than watching him kill himself with that damn enzyme. Thank god he had someone to go home to at night.

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Truth Surprises by miera

Pegasus teaches you new things about yourself.

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Try, Try Again by amokeh

If at first you don't succeed... (wait for falling rocks to help you out)

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Worked Up by miera

John and Carson channel their frustration with Rodney into something more productive.

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Yes and No by Waldo

In which the Ancients believed in sex as a recreational activity, Carson discovers that not everything activated by the ATA gene hates him and John is good... mostly.

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Stargate Atlantis is © MGM Television Entertainment . No infringiment is intended.