Tag: 2x08 Conversion

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A Healer's Touch by Dr_Dredd

He'd always wanted to be able to heal with a touch.

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Changed by Cede Lede

What would have happened to the Atlantis crew had Sheppard's condition in Conversion been contagious?

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Deprivation by mikes_grrl

Sheppard has a no-cross personal DMZ around him…until he doesn’t.

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Feature by busaikko

What do you do when one of your best friends ends up mutated and blue? First, buy a cake....

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Full Recovery by orion_fics

After John's encounter with Carson's retrovirus, Carson want to make sure that he's completely recovered.

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Influences by Rivulet027

Ronon has to learn that being still doesn't always bring death, doesn't always mean he's given up, that and he has a hallucination or a ghost, he's not quite sure.

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Out of Time by darkhavens

John corners Rodney and gives him what he wants. And then gives him something more.

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Revelation by Bone (thisisbone)

Links to all parts of the series can be found in the index.

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Thaw by miera

Post-"Conversion" encounter between John and Carson.

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The Beast In Me by Cede Lede

Conversion AU. With O'Neill on Atlantis, Teyla isn't the one John accosts.

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