Tag: Frottage
An Aesthetic Solitary Thing by
As it turns out, Rodney is not completely human.
Ascending Order by
Spoilers up to and including 3.20 "First Strike."
Atlantis City Limits by
John wins a not-guitar in a raffle on P3R-242. Turns our Rodney knows how to play one.
Event Horizon by
Don't Ask Don't Tell is repealed. John takes a chance.
Fight the Future by
John doesn't like the future he'd discovered.
Guilty Until Proven by
Big Bang 2008. Forks in the Road: Outcast - John's brother Dave somehow becomes involved with the Replicators.
If at First... by
What if Elizabeth wasn't the only one to survive in the first timeline?
Law of Martyrdom by
Post-season story. Rodney and Jennifer get engaged. The inevitable happens.
Litany by
John had never meant for it to escalate the way that it did.
M(eredith + 1) Theory by
John and Rodney arrive at another dimension where Rodney is a woman.
Measuring Time by
John is finding it difficult to adjust to being back on Earth.
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall by
Past McKay/Jonas Quinn, Sheppard/Carter in the AU.
An Ancient device exchanges John with his counterpart in another dimension.
Monday and Tuesday and... by
After Carson's funeral, Cameron Mitchell makes John spend some time outside the mountain.
Pocket Full of Kryptonite by
Big Bang 2008. Forks in the Road: Outcast - John goes back to Earth with Rodney instead of Ronon.
Rebirth of Legend by
Minor Caldwell/Weir, implied Ronon/Teyla & Lorne/Parrish.
Revelation by
Links to all parts of the series can be found in the index.
Sheppard’s Law of Martyrdom by
Rodney and Jennifer get engaged. The inevitable happens.
Square Peg, Round Hole by
When the Ori overrun Earth, some of the SGC evacuate to Atlantis, where they're just not fitting in. This causes serious issues.
Stranded by
(NC17) Nominated for the SGA Diversification Award - McKay/Beckett, Drama
The Chair by
Sitting in the Chair changes more things than John would have thought.
The Mind/Body Problem by
Sheppard/Weir not consummated, McKay/Sheppard.
The Sound of Silence by WIP
[NC17] Sheppard/Lorne/Beckett --->Sheppard/Lorne/Beckett/Weir