Tag: Dave Sheppard

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Beating Hearts by mayachain (ms_jvh_shuh)

Oh, David says when he emerges on the other side, stopped short by the sight of even more marines holding weapons. Missing scene: Welcoming

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Better Days by somehowunbroken

Vacations aren't really the best when you're staying with family.

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Christmas Lights by rubygirl29

John and Ronon's first Christmas on earth isn't quite what they had expected.

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Coffee And Cake by Bluflamingo

In which John gets promoted, meets the new Air Force liaison officer, and tries to do damage control around his oldest niece.

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Earthside by penknife

In which John and Ronon are temporarily assigned to the SGC, and experiment with life on a weird planet.

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Feels Like Home by jadesfire2808

John first runs away from home when he is eight years old

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Fieldwork by Rheanna

Ronon starts his e-mail correspondence with Sheppard's brother more or less by mistake. Remix of Homework.

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Guilty Until Proven by Chensuu

Big Bang 2008. Forks in the Road: Outcast - John's brother Dave somehow becomes involved with the Replicators.

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Homecoming by sgamadison

Rodney decides he and John need a vacation where they don't get shot at; turns out dealing with family can be more painful.

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Homework by busaikko

For some reason, after his father's funeral Dave Sheppard keeps getting e-mail from Ronon Dex.

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How Not to Fly by toomuchplor

Death and life, hope and hopelessness, aren't just for the Pegasus galaxy. Eventually, inevitably, it's going to happen on Earth. John and Rodney, loss and family and what it means to be home.

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Nothing Else Matters by sian1359

Atlantis goes back, but John returns to Earth for Dave.

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Personal History by Tarlan

After all the years of denial, now it was time for John to find happiness--for both of them.

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Pocket Full of Kryptonite by margarks

Big Bang 2008. Forks in the Road: Outcast - John goes back to Earth with Rodney instead of Ronon.

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Professional Jealousy by tex

Rodney is dissed by one of his colleagues. But John knows how to make it right. Remix of: Professional Jealousy

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Set Fire to Our Bed by someidiothasice

He just wants to get through this weekend without the four of them burning the house down. And without his stepbrotherâ€" ex-stepbrotherâ€" whatever, Rodneyâ€" throwing him off the roof.

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Slept Too Long by fawkesielady-ed

Jingle Bells had been stuck in his head as he waited for the ten o'clock train, and Deck the Halls had kept him up until almost two in the morning as his mind repeated falalalala lalalala about a thousand times a minute. "While you were Sleeping" done McShep.

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The Kids Are Alright by nakedwesley

Big Bang 2008. Forks in the Road: Outcast - John goes back to Earth with Rodney in addition to Ronon.

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The Observer by Master Elayna

A man on the run kidnaps a couple on Christmas Eve.
Secondary pairings: Jeannie/Kaleb Miller, Dave/Helen Sheppard, Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan, Evan Lorne/Radek Zelenka

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Truth Will Out by Forestgreen

When WikiLeaks informs the U.S. government and the IOA that it's going to release thousands of reports and documents about the Stargate Program and its Atlantis operations, the SGC recalls General John Sheppard back to Earth so that he can warn his family before the press starts harassing them.

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Untitled fic by scichick_2

Cam drops everything to go to Patrick Sheppard's wake and finally meets John's brother.

Lists: Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index

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Variations In D Major by sian1359

Big Bang 2009. Forks in the Road: The Daedalus Variations - A look at one of those other realities the team and ship were jumping through.

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What Might Have Been Series by Keira Marcos

Also past McKay/Quinn, McKay/Mitchell, Sheppard/Holland, Sheppard/Mitchell and present O'Neill/Carter, Dave Sheppard/Keller, Mitchell/OMC, Lam/OMC & OMC/OMC.
What if Rodney didn’t go to Atlantis and the city was lost again? Sheppard turns up as the second command of the SGC under Major General Jack O’Neill and after a year of watching the moody government contractor Dr. Rodney McKay… he decides to make some very personal changes in his life.

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