Author: telesilla
After Midnight by
Sharing a bed offworld leads to something more.
Because I Said So by
John had imagined his first kiss with Rodney a few times--okay, fine, a few times a day.
College teacher!Ronon ficlet by
It's the glasses that drive John crazy. Well, the glasses and the hair and the neat beard and the incredibly hot body and....
DADT, Timing and Muffins by
DADT's been repealed but nothing's changed. Yet.
Everything We Need Here by
The team spends a relaxing day at the beach. John and Ronon come to an understanding.
Fight the Power by
A freak accident forces John into an encounter he doesn't want. Part of the Uni!John series.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Five People Rodney McKay Didn't Expect to Miss, but Does (and One Person He Expected to Miss, but Do by
Geeks' Night Out by
Rodney wants to talk about ex-girlfriends but Ronon's more interested in Star Trek.
Guaranteed to Blow Your Mind by
Sequel: An Invitation You Can't Decline
Hanging By a Thread by
While on vacation, John and Rodney do a complicated scene.
I Can Have This by
John's lovers give him a safe and consensual gangbang.
In Ways You Can't Possibly Imagine by WIP
Detective John Sheppard, LVPD, is still looking for answers. But the Rodney McKay he finds is very different. Part 2
It's Growing Day by Day by
During a routine mission to check out an off-world Ancient lab, team Shep is cut off from Atlantis when the stargate is buried beneath a ton of rubble. There's another way off the planet, but getting there will not be easy.
It's What You Don't See by
Rodney McKay's been a loner for close to 400 years now, which is why it makes no sense when he falls hard for a Blood Bank worker named John Sheppard.
Living is a Gamble by
It had been ten years since roughly eighty percent of the population had died. These days, the cities were mostly full of the ten percent that had been... changed by the virus.
Love is a Long, Long Road by
Starts out as John and Rodney as college students; alternative endings. Heavy kink.
Make The Devil Feel Surprise by
In a dark mirror universe of our own, sixteen year old Rodney McKay is brought to Atlantis by the Chief Science Officer, his older sister Jeannie, after their parents die. While Jeannie has no real use for Rodney, Colonel Sheppard does. Now Rodney has to come to terms with the fact that not only is he Sheppard's boy toy, but also that Sheppard is a moody, paranoid sadist.
For his part, John isn't quite sure what to make of Rodney, who is an almost too perfect match for him. Just as he and Rodney carefully start to settle into a complicated relationship, a conspiracy begins to surface, forcing Rodney to take a stand.
Also Jeannie McKay/Ronon.
My Dignity's Come Undone by
John's body may be sixteen again, but he's still himself and he still wants kinky sex with Rodney.
Putting Your Body by
John gets caught in the crossfire between Jack and Daniel.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Say it With a Sharpie by
Maybe, John thinks, Rodney doesn't even know the word is there. After all, who looks at the back of their own shoulder?
Sheppard's Choice (Theory of the Male Gaze remix) by
Same Verse: Sheppard's Choice
So. Totally. Doing. It by
"You think Kirk's a top? Or a bottom?" Part of the Ventura Highway 'verse.
Strong Engough to Be My Man by
John can't really imagine safewording over anything that could happen in a spa, but then again, he has no idea what Rodney's planned for him.
Stunning None the Less by
The prequel can be found here:
Sufficient by
John likes self-inflicted pain, with Rodney directing him.
The Alchemy of Sin by
Rodney takes the advantage of a vacation to inflict some heavy pain on John. (On Dreamwidth.)
This Bolder Life by
For SGA Big Bang 2008. Prompt: Stargate program, someone finds out
Sequel An Old Earth Tradition
Lists: Threesomes and moresomes master list, Threesomes and moresomes master list
Thought Control by
"Hey Rodney?" John moved in closer, meeting Rodney's eyes when he opened them again. "Anyone ever mention the concept of safewords to you?"
Too Good (the YKIOK,IJNMK remix) by
So apparently their whole relationship was based on a lie.