Tag: Crossovers & Fusions
A Little Resurrection Every Time I Fall by
When Sam falls into Hell, Dean doesn’t go to Lisa, he goes to Vegas, because, well, it’s Vegas.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
A Perfect Thirty-Nine Megahertz by
Fusion with Eureka. John is the sheriff and Rodney works at Global Dynamics.
A SGA Sentinel and Guide by
John is an unbounded Sentinel, Rodney is his destined Guide.
A Theory of Chromatic Acculturation by
Fusion between with Eric Flint's Mother of Demons.
A new history of Captain John Sheppard by
His Majesty's Aerial Corps stand ready to welcome new additions to their number; an expedition late of the Antipodes. SGA/Temeraire crossover.
Actually, Love by
Four times John Sheppard and Bruce Wayne were not meant to be together, three times they were, and two times they lived happily ever after.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Ages and Ages Hence by
Crossover with Murphy Brown, where Joe Flanigan guest-starred. McKay/Sheppard, implied past Sheppard/Murphy.
And Every Breath We Drew 'verse: Drabble Set The First by
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index
Archangel by
Based on Sharon Shinn's novels of Samaria.
John is an angel with more than his fair share of trouble.
Architects of Fate by
SGA/SG1 AU crossover based on David Hewlett's TV movie Survivor.
Ascension by
A fusion with Star Wars but with the author's particular twist. Both John and Rodney are Sith, on the path to the Ascension.
Bagglevarger's Theory of Inversive Magic by
Sequel: Three Bagglevarger Ficlets.
Balancing Act by
He knocked again, and there was a long wait, the sort of wait that made John wonder. And a hesitation -- he heard the step behind the door, and waited before it swung open. Will looked... okay, not like he'd aged a decade in four years like John felt, but not great. Angry and tense across the eyes -- the black eye stood out impressively. Part 3 of the Desperate Tranquility verse.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Between The Earth And The Sea by
Fussion with Smallville. Clark/Lex first time, John/Rodney & Jack/Daniel established.
Break and Enter by
John wasn't doing anything he felt was wrong, but then McKay started stalking him and changed everything.
Bump In The Night by
Fusion with Buffy. Rodney is Buffy, John is Angel, Weir is Giles & Teyla and Ronon are the Scoobies.
Cast Between Worlds by
Harry Potter loses his magic, goes to Atlantis, and hooks up with John Sheppard.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Century Hotel Series by
Crossover with Century Hotel. Michael was David Hewlett's character in that movie. Mostly Century Hotel, crossover with SGA by the end and in the sequel.
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Joe and David's other roles slash index
Comment fic - Star Trek XI by
John and Spock are old... friends.
Companion 'Verse by
SGA/Valdemar crossover. Link is to fic list for the 'verse.
Congrats, You've Met Your Match (The Space Captain Remix) by
Remix of Takes One To Know One. Kirk meets his match.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Cool by
Crossover with Veronica Mars. Sheppard/McKay & Veronica/Logan.
Curve Ball by
Rodney wouldn't be worried except that he knows John finds Canadians irresistible.
Pru's SGA fic the rest of this collection is under Bell Curve.
Daddy-O by
I am not," John grits out, "your father."
John Sheppard/Logan Echolls (Veronica Mars)
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Dal Sengo by
Crossover with Dr. Who (9th and 10th Doctors).
Debbie Does Dallas and John Sheppard Does Everyone Else by
A series of nine unrelated ficlets and they really aren't as slutty as the title makes it sound, I just thought it was funny. John/Bruce Wayne, John/Cameron Mitchell, John/Castiel, John/Connor Davids, John/David Parrish, John/Eliot Spencer, John/Evan Lorne, John/Jonas Quinn, John/Steve McGarrett
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Debbie Does Dallas and John Sheppard Does Everyone Else by
A series of nine unrelated ficlets and they really aren't as slutty as the title makes it sound, I just thought it was funny. John/Bruce Wayne, John/Cameron Mitchell, John/Castiel, John/Connor Davids, John/David Parrish, John/Eliot Spencer, John/Evan Lorne, John/Jonas Quinn, John/Steve McGarrett
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Destiny Revisited by
Merlin/Arthur, McKay/Sheppard in a Merlin/SGA fusion.
Distant Cousin, Maybe by
There are giant snakes on the mainland - and that worries Rodney because they can swim! - so Atlantis gets its own herpetologist.
Doctor Who? Doctor Rodney McKay, Of Course by
Fusion with Dr. Who. Rodney is the Doctor, John is Jack Harkness.
Don't Tell by
Kandahar, Afghanistan, 2003. Two officers stranded at an airbase by the weather. What could they possibly do to pass the time? Crossover with BBC's Sherlock.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Dreaming with a Broken Heart by
The SGC loses a Wraith on Earth and Torchwood finds it. PArt 2, Part 3
Dæmonology by
Prequel: A Monologue for Two Voices. Fusion with Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials
Empty Solace by
When Castiel tries Dean's preferred methods of comfort he finds them to be ineffectual. John Sheppard/Castiel
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Ever Wise Ancient Rites by
John gets help from an unexpected source when he's captured offworld.
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Everything Changes (And you gotta be ready) by
Sheppard goes missing and Rodney moves heaven and earth to find him.
Fallout by
John was only supposed to be on Earth for 2 weeks. That was before the bombs started falling and he was caught in what was left of Washington DC. (John & Rodney are Immortals)
Fascinating by
When John Sheppard and Sherlock Holmes go back to Sherlock's apartment one night, the result isn't something either of them expected.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Fight It by
Sheppard and his team have come through the Stargate to find themselves in Nottingham. Made guests of the castle, they slowly come to an understanding of how the Sheriff, with Sir Guy of Gisborne at his side, rules the realm. Now Robin Hood takes it upon himself to make sure Sheppard gets the message. Crossover with BBC's Robin Hood (Sheppard/Gisborne). Prequel to How It Is.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Five Pieces of Atlantis That Jim Treasures by
Cross over with Star Trek XI. McKay/Sheppard implied.
Flip Side by
Dean heads to Republic, Washington to hunt down a trio of monsters whose young victims all appear to have died of old age.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
For Better or For Worse - a.k.a. The Bunny Boiler Episode by
Forever Approaching Infinity by
To Rodney, all of time happens in an instant, but he still can't seem to grasp the future. SGA/Watchmen fusion.
Full Disclosure by
This is a fusion of Boa vs. Python and Thoughtcrimes with SG-1 and SGA, so it's Brendan (Joe Flanigan's character in Thoughtcrimes) and Emmett (David Hewlett's character in Boa vs Python) in this universe, instead of John and Rodney.
Gene Therapy by
Crossover with Smallville. McKay/Sheppard & Clark/Lex.
Genius Fathers and Sons by
Crossover with The OC. Also Ryan/Seth.
Ghost Chasers: Exposed! by
An inside interview with the frontman of ParaNet's most popular show.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Hiding in Plain Sight by
Sequel to General and Dr Sheppard.
High Stakes by
Fusion with Terry Pratchett's Discworld series.
Highly Classified and Very Hush Hush by
Three naked Marines end up in NCIS headquarters. Sequel: Strictly on a Need to Know Basis
How It Is by WIP
Sheppard and his team have come through the Stargate to find themselves in Nottingham. Made guests of the castle, they slowly come to an understanding of how the Sheriff, with Sir Guy of Gisborne at his side, rules the realm. Despite this knowledge, there's an attraction between Sheppard and Gisborne that begins to grow. Crossover with BBC's Robin Hood (Sheppard/Gisborne).
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
How It Should Be by
Sequel to Shades of Punishment. After King Richard spares Gisborne's life, the group returns to Atlantis where the final judgement has yet to be passed. Crossover with BBC's Robin Hood (Sheppard/Gisborne).
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
How a crazy SEAL proposes to his Sexy Flyboy by
Sheppard/Steve (H50).
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
In for a Pound by
Two days, four men, one California King mattress. Sometimes two and two can add up to something more. House cross-over.
It's A Jungle Out There by
Fusion with Monk. Rodney is Monk. John is his assistant.
It's Lonely Where You Are (Come Back Down) by
John isn’t supposed to be there, but he is anyway. Eliciting promises shouldn’t take so much planning. (John/Castiel)
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Keeping In Touch by
Keeping in touch when you have a few billion lightyears between each other isn't easy but somehow Riley and Chuck manage it. (Chuck the gate tech/Sheppard)
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Lesson by
John Preston had everything and nothing in common with John Sheppard. The man was an enigma wrapped up in a deceptive but disarming sense of humor he didn’t quite understand, yet at times he could be even more closed off than Preston himself.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Life Less Ordinary by
Sequels: Polaris, Too Much Caffeine in Your Bloodstream & The Five Times John Sheppard Falls In Love at First Sight. SGA/ER/SG1/Eureka/Lost/Grey's Anatomy Crossover
Look at the Pilot by
Snippet sequel: Morning Contemplation. Fusion with Farscape. Rodney is John Crichton, John is Aeryn Sun.
Meeting of the Minds by
Criminal Minds crossover. Star Trek drinking game with another genius leads to some unexpected fun.
Messy by Nature by
Steve in the Pegasus Galaxy. John Sheppard/Steve Rogers (Captain America).
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Missed Chances by
Danny has some regrets (Steve McGarrett/John Sheppard)
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Mona Lisa Box by
Crossover with Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. John is a Terminator sent back in time to protect Rodney, who was essential to the creation of Skynet, while the Connors and Cameron try to decide if Rodney is a risk.
My Boyfriend's Face by
John goes to Eureka and meets someone who looks an awful lot like his boyfriend.
Ocean by
John has left the SGC and is living on a beach some where. When someone moves next door.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Of Cold Making Warmth by
Stargate: Atlantis/Century Hotel fusion.
On dying and living by
John Sheppard missed his sword more than he'd ever thought possible. What he didn't miss were other Immortals.
One Foot in Front of the Other by
Steve McGarrett meets John Sheppard when he's out on his morning run on the beach.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Out into the real world by
Fusion with The Matrix. McKay/Sheppard, implied Weir/Caldwell, past Sheppard/Weir, Halling/Teyla, Ronon/Teyla UST.
Out of the Blue by
"And now they’re having their picture taken together. What is this, the prom?" House cross-over.
Period military is not the dress code of a straight man! by
Sequel: Rhowch eich dwylo ar fy pen ôl. Crossover with Torchwood. McKay/Sheppard established, McKay/Sheppard/Cpt. Jack Harkness first time.
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Threesomes and moresomes master list
Pinned Down by
He noted some of the things that John had done to him, very expertly, and on the principle that you give something on the lines of what you would like, he had noted the focus on lack of control, the vulnerability of the genitals and sensation to breaking point. Part 4 of the Desperate Tranquility series.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Planet of the Weevils by
McKay/Sheppard, vague Jack/Ianto, UST Jack/Rodney
Project Quantum Pegasus by
Crossover with Quantum Leap. Sam Beckett leaps into John.
Reception by
Prompt: John/Cam + Colby/Lorne, being around fellow canon characters and not having to hide their relationship. Part of the What Happens Next verse.
Right in Front of Me by
Rodney McKay is a sentinel without a guide, but he's still the smartest man in Atlantis.
Rodney's Tempest by
SGA + William Shakespeare's "The Tempest" fusion.
Rosemary by
Prequel to That's For Remembrance. Jack helps John becoming Major Sheppard.
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Rubix's Dilemma by
Crossover with Sandman. John is Sandman.
San Fransisco by
A chance meeting will change John Sheppards future...and Dean Winchester's as well.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Sea and Stars : Weddings and Honeymoons by
John and Steve get married.
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Shades of Punishment by
A year after he assisted Robin Hood and SGA-1 in the overthrow of the Sheriff and subsequently sought refuge on Atlantis, Guy of Gisborne â€" along with Sheppard and his team â€" returns to Nottingham only to be captured by King Richard's soldiers. Crossover with BBC's Robin Hood (Sheppard/Gisborne).
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Shinigami by
Fussion with Yami no Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness) and Bleach.
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by
Capt. Jack Harness shows up on Atlantis. Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5. Sequel to Dreaming with a Broken Heart
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Threesomes and moresomes master list
Small Comfort by
John, with Ronon in tow, meets up with an old friend with connections he couldn't imagine.
Small Comforts by
John, with Ronon in tow, meets up with an old friend with connections he couldn't imagine. Crossover with Transformers.
Snakes and lawyers 'verse by
Crossover between Stargate Atlantis, First Monday (where Joe Flanigan played Julian Lodge) and Boa vs. Python (where David Hewlett played Dr. Emmett). McKay/Sheppard and Lodge/Emmett are the main pairings, but the series also features McKay/Lodge, McKay/Sheppard/Lodge & McKay/Lodge/Emmett.
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Threesomes and moresomes master list, Joe and David's other roles slash index
So Many Things We're Not by
John’s been a reaper for almost 42 years. Sometimes he has lots of yellow sticky notes, sometimes he has none. Sometimes he tells Ronon he loves him, sometimes he lets Ronon fuck him hard over his desk. It’s never both for the first two, but it’s not never for the last two.
Soft Swap by
"What's the Guinness record for number of vampire-human simultaneous orgasms?"
Solitary Man by
John never thought he’d actually meet someone as messed up as him. Apparently, he was dead wrong (John/Dean Winchester).
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Something for the Soul by
John and Eliot hug (crossover with Leverage).
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Space Cowboy (Or Something Similar) by
John Sheppard needs to listen to more than one musician. Crossover with Glee (John/Kurt).
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Stand to Feel a Storm by url needed)
(Two US government employees meet in a bar. John Sheppard/Lincoln Lee (Fringe).
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Summer House by
John and Rodney in Eureka. Sequels: Shore Leave and Sabbatical
Surrender By Conquest by WIP
Links to all chapters: HERE (not linked within story).
The 'Don't Think We're In Kansas' Verse by
John and Ronon + Dean and Sam from SPN + slave collar = well, you do the math. Link is to story list.
The Best Defence Is An Eight Foot Giant by
Crossover with The West Wing
The Dark Side by
Fusion with Star Wars. Rodney is a Jedi, John is a Sith Lord.
The International Bi-Annual Conference of Strategic Military Security in a Civilian Project Environment by
Becker meets John Sheppard at a conference in Hawaii.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Pasty Loner and the Sparkly, Super Hot, Really Old Guy: Love at First Sniff by
Fusion with Twilight; Rodney is Bella, John is Edward.
The Sentinel And Guide Of Atlantis by
Missing scene: Mt. Rushmore Or Bust. Crossover with The Sentinel. McKay/Sheppard (first time in the missing scene), Jim/Blair, Jack/Daniel, one time Jim/Blair/Daniel.
The Sentinels of Atlantis by
While the main focus of this series is the slash pairing of Sheppard/McKay there are secondary het pairings. The pairings that appear in the series: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran, Jennifer Keller/Evan Lorne, Teyla Emmagen/Ronon Dex, Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson, Laura Cadman/Aidan Ford, James Stackhouse/Thomas Markham, and Radek Zelenka/David Parrish.
Sentinel John Sheppard thought he’d spend his life unbonded and then he met Dr. Rodney McKay. The mission to Atlantis is their mutual path and they will gather the strongest, brightest, and best for the mission that will take them to another galaxy.
The State of Things by
In which John Sheppard is the not-so-law-abiding Commander of the good ship Atlantis, Captain Jack Sparrow is a wanted criminal and there are misadventures in the art of falling in love.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Wrong Carter by
Also implied past Rodney/Jack Carter and current Jack Carter/Nathan Stark.
They Say Travel Is Broadening by
When the door chimed, John didn't bother to check who it was before letting them in. On second thought, he probably should have. John/Captain Jack
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
This Wasn't In the User Manual by
Crossover with Supernatural.
Together Again by WIP
Marine Sergeant Dean Winchester-O'Neill finds himself on Atlantis.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Vacation Interruptus by
Psych crossover. Vacation gone awry.
Veritas Est Sicco Illic by
Implied Caldwell (Walter Skinner)/Fox Mulder.
We don't need roads by
Crossover/fussion with Back to the Future
Welcome to Cleveland by
John and Rodney are in Cleveland checking out some strange scanner results. They find Spike and Xander battling a Wraith instead.
What Happens in Vegas by
There's more to Vegas than monsters. John Sheppard/Dean Winchester
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
You Know You're No Better by
John Sheppard is a Sentinel, Evan is his Guide, and Ronon is his Lover.
Lists: Threesomes and moresomes master list, Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index
Young Sentinals and Guides by
Ongoing series of young Rodney and John as Guide and Sentinel. Part two: Rescues and Dissertations
Zombie Movie by
Sometimes his life was like living in a horror flick.
http://bluflamingo.livejournal.com/179034.html by
Lorne/Sheppard, Sheppard/Mitchell, Lorne/Colby, and Dex/Mitchell.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index