Tag: Season 1 AU
A SGA Sentinel and Guide by
John is an unbounded Sentinel, Rodney is his destined Guide.
Ancient Visions by WIP
After trying gene therapy yet again, Radek Zelenka starts experiencing visions
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Candy Floss by
Rodney runs away from the SGC to join the circus, instead of going on the Atlantis mission. Then he meets a handsome motorcycle stunt driver who teaches him that love can conquer fear.
Deep Water by
Cam isn’t wounded in the battle over Antarctica, but that didn’t make him any less of a hero. When he’s offered any assignment he wants, his decision takes him further than he could have ever imagined.
Getting It Right by
Carson wished he could just forget everything and spend an hour or two talking to John about simple things, like favourite colours, or food, or roller-coasters, but somehow, all they got to talk about was death and pain.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Half a League Onward by
"I told you you'd warm up to me," John said with as much charm and as little guile as possible, "when you got to know me."
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Here is the secret that everyone knows by
John stops wearing his uniform on the two thousand and second day after they arrive.
Into Dust by
Circling the chair, Cameron watches the Operator carefully. He's trying to discern any hint of recognition when he stops directly in front of the chair and says, his voice just short of steady, "John."
Mau Loa Means the Time We Have by
Companion piece: Goodnight, Chesty, Wherever You Are. Sequel: Timestamp.
Put to the Touch by
Lorne is a member of the military expedition to Atlantis and John is a former USAF pilot, permanently disabled in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. After getting his PhD in mathematics, he is invited to join the expedition and is assigned to Lorne's team.
Second Verse by
The Pegasus expedition needed Rodney McKay. They just didn't know it yet.
Sentience by
Open ended series: What if the city was sentient?
The Sentinels of Atlantis by
While the main focus of this series is the slash pairing of Sheppard/McKay there are secondary het pairings. The pairings that appear in the series: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran, Jennifer Keller/Evan Lorne, Teyla Emmagen/Ronon Dex, Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson, Laura Cadman/Aidan Ford, James Stackhouse/Thomas Markham, and Radek Zelenka/David Parrish.
Sentinel John Sheppard thought he’d spend his life unbonded and then he met Dr. Rodney McKay. The mission to Atlantis is their mutual path and they will gather the strongest, brightest, and best for the mission that will take them to another galaxy.
The Watcher by
Rodney McKay has taken over Atlantis as it's warlord and enslaved John Sheppard.
Together by Demand by
Rodney's condition to work with the SGC again is to have a military husband of his choice.
Transcendental by
In less than a day, Rodney had blown past Elizabeth, Colonel Sumner, Colonel Markham, Colonel Escobar, and was rapidly coming up on Colonel Ryers as the absolute worst commanding officer John had ever had to report to.
Trust Issues by
Kicked out the airforce, John works for The Trust, but he don't really trusts them. He's looking for a way out of it for himself and Rodney.
Variations In D Major by
Big Bang 2009. Forks in the Road: The Daedalus Variations - A look at one of those other realities the team and ship were jumping through.
We All Fall Down by
Part 12 of Strange Aeon. Lorne encounters a piece of ancient tech with embarrassing results. Cam is even less lucky with his mission.
Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
What Might Have Been Series by
Also past McKay/Quinn, McKay/Mitchell, Sheppard/Holland, Sheppard/Mitchell and present O'Neill/Carter, Dave Sheppard/Keller, Mitchell/OMC, Lam/OMC & OMC/OMC.
What if Rodney didn’t go to Atlantis and the city was lost again? Sheppard turns up as the second command of the SGC under Major General Jack O’Neill and after a year of watching the moody government contractor Dr. Rodney McKay… he decides to make some very personal changes in his life.
What's Love Got To Do With It? by
In this Alternate Universe version of the SGA pilot, Rising, Colonel Sumner is in charge of an expedition which is almost all male and all military. John Sheppard is a military pet - a submissive who has been trained to service others. Sumner decides he has to prove he is trustworthy before letting him go on the expedition, so has Sheppard come to his house to bond with the Marines. Later, he tells O'Neill he accepts Sheppard, but O'Neill has to see for himself first. Once they are in Atlantis, Sheppard is restricted to helping out in the labs, rather than going on missions, so Sumner gives control of him over to Rodney McKay, who is still head scientist on the expedition.
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Rare pairings slash index