Tag: Atlantis Is Cut Off From Earth
A Wolf at Your Door by
He has no idea what they look like as wolves, knows only what they smell like, how their bodies feel pushed up against his, and what their fur tastes like under his tongue.
An Uncomplicated Choice by
Atlanis is cut off from Earth. Sequel to Slow Side of Indifference
Beasts of War and Burden by
"Oh my God. We've landed on fucking Pern."
It's Not Quite Right by
Right after Enemy at the Gates, the team find themselves in the wrong universe.
Second Verse by
The Pegasus expedition needed Rodney McKay. They just didn't know it yet.
Square Peg, Round Hole by
When the Ori overrun Earth, some of the SGC evacuate to Atlantis, where they're just not fitting in. This causes serious issues.
The Deconstruction of Falling Stars by
Atlantis is stranded in a strange new galaxy with no way of returning to either Earth or Pegasus, John is missing and presumed dead, and just when Cam thinks that he's finally getting used to the status quo, things get worse.
Variations In D Major by
Big Bang 2009. Forks in the Road: The Daedalus Variations - A look at one of those other realities the team and ship were jumping through.
World Without End by
There’s still a part of him that thinks, in some messed up backwards way, that they could be good, here, in the middle of a disaster that they can’t stop.