Tag: 5x20 Enemy at the Gate
Celebrating the Fourth by
It just went to show how stupid love could make a person.
Damned If You Do, and Damned If You Don’t by
Yes, there were signs, and if he hadn't been thinking with his dick he would have twigged to them immediately.
Dandelion Clock by
Things change; sometimes you just need a little faith.
I Wonder by
John and Cam's relationship changes slowly over time.
It's Not Quite Right by
Right after Enemy at the Gates, the team find themselves in the wrong universe.
Kind Much Closer by
8 vignettes from different points in their relationship.
Live While You're Alive by
Ronon realizes that he and John could have something great together.
Necessary Evil by
Rodney recognized affection beneath the dry tone, and wondered why he had never bothered to study all the subtleties of human behavior before, especially Sheppard's.
Shine by
When Atlantis returns to Earth, Amelia hopes to get with Ronon. However, he's interested in someone else, so Amelia has to find love elsewhere.
The Way It Should Have Ended or Keller Is Thankfully Absent by
Things Learned by
Sequel to Part 1: The End is the Beginning and Part 2: Things Strange (both preslash).
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
sweet briar, bon-fire, strawberry wire, and columbine by
Sequel to The Lost Language of Flowers. David and John's relationship progresses.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index