Tag: Sheppard/Todd
All Bets Are Off by
Stuck in Midway with (almost) only a Wraith for company, anything can happen.
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Beware of Wraith Bearing Gifts by
In which John is clueless, Todd is confused, and everyone else is both amused and bemused at the same time.
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Caught by
When John wakes up, he's in a hive ship and tied to a chair.
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Connection by
John discovers an unsettling connection between himself and Todd.
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Five things John has learned about the Wraith (that he’s not sharing) by
There is some information John Sheppard is privy to about the Wraith he's not exactly keen to share.
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Fraternus by
"Will you let them go?" Sheppard burst out. In the holding cell, his hivemates shouted their anger. Sheppard repeated himself over their protests. "If I... let you -- will you send them back to our people?"
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Good Clean Fun by
An USAF Colonel, a Wraith Commander and a hot spring. Need I say more?
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Gravity (all the roads have lead us here) by
As usual, all bets are off.
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If We Make It Past The Judgement by
Atlantis needs Todd and Todd needs someone to feed on.
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Inevitable by
Todd knew only three uses for his brethren; feed, protect, or mate.
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No Regrets by
For Porn Battle XI prompts Sheppard/Todd, rescue, feeding, heat, hiveship, understanding.
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On The Other Side Of The Looking Glass by
"Destiny beckoned, and here you are."
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One Thousand and One Days by
Todd's hive has lived on Earth since the defeat of Ra. He wants John for his Companion, but John has his own agenda.
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Panning Out by
Federal Marshal John Sheppard gets a message from someone he hasn’t seen in a while. It’s not the hot springs that make things steamy.
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Prompt Story Porn For Dolphin-Chick by
In the library. With some rope.
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Regeneration (1/2) by
Part 2. Common Ground ends not with John and Todd parting ways, but with Todd taking John to his Queen.
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Simple Truths by
Part 2. Things aren’t as simple as they seem (Written before Todd got his name; he goes by 'Dave' in this fic).
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Sometimes a Great Notion by
Rodney McKay once said that humans have a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Todd agrees.
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Syrup Dreams by
Written for the prompt: John/Todd, running into each other off-world, John ends up drugged. Todd bends him over something and fucks him, and John is watching him do it in a mirror, window, reflective surface. Dubcon/noncon - John's turned on, but everything's dreamlike and he doesn't really get that it's real.
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Tables Turned by
Todd rescues John from a group of Wraith who've been collecting his genetic materialâ€"and enjoys a taste himself while he's at it.
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Things Learned by
Sequel to Part 1: The End is the Beginning and Part 2: Things Strange (both preslash).
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Untitled Bath-Time Fun by
John and Todd relax in one of the Atlantean tubs.
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Wraith No More by
John realizes that he has a crazy space pirate girlfriend and a creepy Wraith boyfriend.
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eat up, get stronger, think and hope by
John kept dying, and the bastards kept bringing him back.
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