Tag: Freaked-out!John

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"tag" by harriet-spy

Sequel to After Such Knowledge. Michael lends John a helping hand after the events in "Common Ground."

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A Difference of Attraction by smallearthcat

Rodney McKay is the best friend John has ever had, but when John lets his guard down, it turns into something more.

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A Dream Deferred by Damion Starr

John's fantasy life gets him in trouble.

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A Night He Can't Remember by FlyBoy

After ingesting a little more alien hooch than is wise, John ends up in bed with Ronon. The morning after, he can't remember any of what happened the previous night.

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Adrift by Dark and Goldeneyed

Carson gets abducted, John gets desperate. Angst and whumpage ensues.

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As Deep Cries Out To Deep by race_the_ace

John Sheppard had served his country and just wanted to be left alone for the rest of his life. Too bad Rodney McKay had other ideas. So when John moves to Atlantis, at Rodney's behest, he discovers more than the City of the Ancients, he discovers Evan Lorne.

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At Rest by Helenkacan (aka Helena K)

John needs something unusual to lay his personal demons to rest, even if only temporarily. The only person he can ask is Rodney

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Awakenings by scherryzade

Rodney's the one who sleeps through the night, but not tonight...

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Best Laid Plans by Anonymous

John doesn't know how he ended up over some guy's lap, getting spanked, and, worse, didn't know that it would get him off and make him beg for more.

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Burn Out Bright by Miss_zedem

John and Cam accidentally activate a set of matching Ancient bracelets, and as a result they can't move more than 200 yards from each other. Since it's Christmas, this means that John has to accompany Cam to a Very Mitchell Christmas back in Kansas.

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By Jove I Think He's Got It! by FlyBoy

John needs help caring for a baby he's saved. Evan is happy to help.

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Can't Tell You, But I Know It's Mine by mayachain (ms_jvh_shuh)

At first, when Cam blurts "I didn't know you were married," John doesn't really get what the man is talking about.

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Cash Out by kimberlite

John is recruited by Cam Mitchell and Jack O'Neill. Their methods of persuasion prove to be unusual to say the least.

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Clothes Make the Man by Anonymous

They're visiting a planet where nudity is expected, but John won't take his clothes off -- which just makes it harder for Ronon to take his eyes off him.

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Connection by evil_pantaloons

John discovers an unsettling connection between himself and Todd.

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Copy by Bluflamingo

John thinks that clone!Carson's memory might be a little fucked up.

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Delicatus by scrollgirl

Ronon wondered if John knew this was a date.

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Deprivation by mikes_grrl

Sheppard has a no-cross personal DMZ around him…until he doesn’t.

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Everything by somehowunbroken

Cam is John's flight instructor. John is entranced by the planes; Cam is entranced by John. Part two: Realization. Part three: Nights Like Tonight.

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Feature by busaikko

What do you do when one of your best friends ends up mutated and blue? First, buy a cake....

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Feels Like Home by jadesfire2808

John first runs away from home when he is eight years old

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Frail And Fragile Bars by almostnever (Cesare)

John leaves Rodney and Earth behind, and suffers for it when his Cycle goes haywire. Part of the John_Farr Universe

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How To Deal by Damion Starr

Aiden helps John cope after their visit to the kid planet.

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How Zelenka's Crush on Weir Made For Strange Events Between Rodney and John by wpadmirer

Rodney tries to share his new wealth of porn, which leads to all kinds of discussion and eventual experiments with John.

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If We Make It Past The Judgement by Sandrine

Atlantis needs Todd and Todd needs someone to feed on.

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Indispensible by Lunabee34

He thinks the worst part is that given similar circumstances, he’d do the same thing all over again.

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Inexperience by earyn_black

Based on the prompt: 'John's never had sex before, and he's freaked out, not realizing his inexperience is a turn on for his partner'.

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Intense Weather Conditions by solvent90 (solvent)

It was the easiest thing to turn his head the necessary fraction, reach for the last warm thing in the world.

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It's Still A Symphony by somehowunbroken

The List Of Things Cam Isn't Thinking About gets Cam into trouble sometimes.

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It's a Small World After All by pir8fancier

FUBAR happens on Atlantis, John disappears, two years later Rodney takes a vacation to Disneyland, and who do you think is working at Soaring Over California?

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Lead The Way From All Is Lost by somehowunbroken

Originally for an sga_kinkmeme fill: 'John/Cam, slave!John: the punishment for disobeying direct orders in the military is to be sold as a slave to successful officers until they learn to obey without questioning their superiors. John is given to Cameron, who takes his duty as officer very seriously and is set in teaching John what he needs to learn in order to be re-instated, whatever the price.'

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Might as Well Live by Rheanna

John was sure he was going to be re-assigned elsewhere...

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Movie Night and First Moves by Alistair

Sheppard and Lorne know each other. But do they know ABOUT each other?

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Mutual Misunderstandings by Ayama-chi

How high a price are you willing to pay to get your hands on everything Atlantis could have ever hoped for? A slip of a tongue during an off world visit and some help from Rodney and John and his second in command are about to find out.

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Neverland by race_the_ace

Sequel to The Only One. Just because they're married doesn't mean that John's issues have magically disappeared.

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No Contest by propinquitine

"The imperiled teammate bit was just a motivational technique."

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Normal by mific

It'd all be fine, if he could just get the message through to his dick to calm the fuck down.

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Out in the Open by xparrot

It's Situation Normal for the team when they're caught in an avalanche, but digging themselves out uncovers more than they counted on.

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Out of the Everywhere by kyrdwyn

An offworld incident leaves Carson pregnant with his and John's child.

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Say No to Velociraptors by Epiphanyx7

Two days after the Incident (and this is why John doesn’t like Lorne’s team. All the messed-up things happened wherever they were… Sure, his team isn’t perfect, but he much prefers being shot at to being… mutilated), John finally runs out of MREs and is forced to seek nutrition outside of his quarters.

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Second Time Around by sgamadison

Not everyone gets a second chance... Sort of coda to Second Chance but can be read stand alone.

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Shayar by lisa roquin

Ford visits Sheppard in the infirmary after the events of 38 minutes.

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Simple Truths by SylvanWitch

Part 2. Things aren’t as simple as they seem (Written before Todd got his name; he goes by 'Dave' in this fic).

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Slide by Anonymous

A stargate malfunction (another one!) sends the team to a parallel Atlantis. While Rodney works to find them a way home, John has to keep Woolsey distracted from using Teyla or Ronon by agreeing to be his submissive and discovers a new side of himself as slips deeper and deeper into his role.

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Sweet Surrender by Damion Starr

Love, lust and desire are all the same: they're all uncontrollable, undeniable and unstoppable.

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The Gravity of Tempered Grace by race_the_ace

Cam decides he’s done being alone and he wants to be done being alone with John.

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The Next Time They Meet by Springwoof

Todd comes to John's rescue.

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The Same River Twice by dragojustine

John misses the old!Rodney he met in the future, until he really looks at the Rodney with him now.

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Trading Partners by FlyBoy

After a "seed-planting" ceremony off-world, John sees Evan in a new light.

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Unnamed Comment Fic by somehowunbroken

Do you want the truth or something beautiful?
Just close your eyes and make believe
"Do you want the truth or something beautiful?
I am happy to deceive you

Sacred lies and telling tales
I can be who you want me to be
But do you want me? "

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Unnamed Comment Fic by somehowunbroken

"What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time

Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you"

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Waking by somehowunbroken

John wakes first the morning after.

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kink meme fill: John/Ronon, genderfuck by Anonymous

Ronon is temporarily turned into a woman. He decides to make the most of the experience.

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