Tag: Sheppard/Caldwell

16 fics tagged
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Local Custom by busaikko

Aliens make them... have to talk about their feelings.

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Rank Hath its Privileges by ausmac

When Sheppard and Caldwell meet, sparks fly. As usual.

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Retromancy by JiM

Steven Caldwell, if he were being honest, didn't really think he'd planned on sex with John Sheppard.

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Scratch the Itch by dragojustine

John's not quite sure what he wants and eventually figures it out.

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Sore Subject by hoktauri

Three weeks on the Daedalus from Earth to Atlantis is not a good scenario when your ex is on-board.

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The Pirate and the Biker by ausmac

Elizabeth decides to throw a fancy dress party. Leather and alcohol ensue.

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Stargate Atlantis is © MGM Television Entertainment . No infringiment is intended.