Tag: Puddlejumper Sex
Comment fic - third time's the charm by
If at first you don't succeed...
Definition of Unsubtly by
John and Rodney get stranded on a planet together.
Flyboys Will Be Flyboys by
Sheppard and Lorne. Alone in a jumper. Need I say more? Part of the Welcome Home series.
Hot Child in the City by
Part 2 of the Branding Verse, no threesome, yet.
Lost and Found by
John and Ronon get some time to themselves in the back of a jumper after John returns from Larrin's clutches.
Packing Light by
It's amazing what you can do with duct tape (and other things that come easily to hand in Atlantis).
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Racing the Moon by
Post-EatG and declassification, John and Cam are sent on a press junket. Cam's the pretty one.
Retromancy by
Steven Caldwell, if he were being honest, didn't really think he'd planned on sex with John Sheppard.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Sides by
Thirty-one stories written in thirty-one days. Each one is part of one verse, and each one is in some way Sheppard/Lorne.
Somewhere Just Being Their Own by
John and Ronon find an enjoyable way to spend a long jumper-ride.
Stranded by
Stuck in a jumper together. Sequel: Like Pegasus Triple A, But With Added Unwarranted Imprisonment.
The Hearth and the Salamander by
Companion piece: The Sieve and the Sand
The One With The Blowjob by
Who knew cleaning a puddlejumper could be such a turn on? Sheppard/Lorne