Author: wolfshark (sharkie)

79 stories indexed.

Fighting for Peace by wolfshark (sharkie)

Sheppard/McKay established, Sheppard/McKay/OFC one-shot.

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Find Me by wolfshark (sharkie)

Rodney finds a clip of a younger John having sex with a man.

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One Eyed Monster by wolfshark (sharkie)

It's John's and Rodney's first time, and there's a surprise in store.

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Red Stripes by wolfshark (sharkie)

Rodney couldn't believe that John had actually agreed to this.

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Until the World Crumbles by Lady Cat, wolfshark (sharkie)

D/s McKay/Sheppard established (with Rodney in top), McKay/Sheppard/Ronon first time.

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Want by wolfshark (sharkie)

But at the first touch of Rodney's hands on his naked skin, John completely lost track of what he had been planning.

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What Are You Doing There? by wolfshark (sharkie)

Another wacky Ancient adventure leads to some really good sex.

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