Author: wolfshark (sharkie)
79 stories indexed.
Alchemical Processes by
Sequel: Bondage of Irrational Fears.
Fighting for Peace by
Sheppard/McKay established, Sheppard/McKay/OFC one-shot.
Find Me by
Rodney finds a clip of a younger John having sex with a man.
One Eyed Monster by
It's John's and Rodney's first time, and there's a surprise in store.
Red Stripes by
Rodney couldn't believe that John had actually agreed to this.
The Difference Between Men and Boys is the Price of Their Toys by
There's a First Time for Everything (and seconds if you're good) by
Touch is Everything by
To meet the leader of the Rockorians they have to be naked.
Until the World Crumbles by
D/s McKay/Sheppard established (with Rodney in top), McKay/Sheppard/Ronon first time.
Want by
But at the first touch of Rodney's hands on his naked skin, John completely lost track of what he had been planning.
What Are You Doing There? by
Another wacky Ancient adventure leads to some really good sex.
What's Mine is Mine by
"You're mine, and you hurt yourself."