Tag: Drunk Sex
A Night He Can't Remember by
After ingesting a little more alien hooch than is wise, John ends up in bed with Ronon. The morning after, he can't remember any of what happened the previous night.
Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index
All Bets Are Off by
Stuck in Midway with (almost) only a Wraith for company, anything can happen.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Cam Mitchell's Guide To Sweet Seduction by
Cam is a good boy, sometimes.
Credentials by
Aliens throw a party and they drink a bit too much
Experimentation by
Lorne is angling for something special for his birthday. Warning: dubcon.
Into the Dark by
John lets himself be picked up by a stranger in a bar.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Just Like It Says On The Bottle by
Rodney couldn't participate in the Ceremony of Friendship, so the aliens get him tanked up
Natural Aptitude by
An alien chief gets John drunk to take advantage of him. Rodney comes to the rescue
Promotion by
John celebrates his promotion to Lieutenant Colonel with Cameron Mitchell.
Still by
Remorse after a night of drunken sex and a mission in danger of going bad.
Unnamed comment fic by
Written for the prompt "alien lube discovered to be made with alien chillies".