Tag: Miraculously Returned!John
A Richer Dust Concealed by
Hard lands make hard people, John had once heard Andy Corrigan say, and from his experience on Truebo, he believed it.
Blood In the Water by
Snippet adjunct to the Alpha Centauri series.
Crossing the Line by
Lorne was royally screwed. Not because he had just found out that his commander has a thing for him and he didn't return his feelings, it was because he did. The only thing that stood in the way was Lorne's integrity, and he wasn't sure he was such an honorable man
Dearest by
"My name," Lir'e grinds out, feeling like he's going to throw up any minute. "It's--it means 'dear,' in Rhea's language."
Five Scenes From When John Came Back From (Not) Being Dead by
Sequel to Five Things Rodney Did When John Was (Not, But Everyone Thought He Was) Dead and Five Things John Didn’t Do When He Was (Not Actually) Dead.
Foreshock by
Elemental SGA ficlets. More in the series: To be mud instead of stars; It could move you like a wind; Aftershock; All I can do it hold you tight
Habituation by
Links to all parts of the series can be found in the index.
Hours by
Nobody knows what happened, yet everybody knows something happened.
In the Blood by
"It really shouldn't be funny but you know I've always sort of suspected that we'd have a joint funeral."
In the Night a Kiss Will Give You Life by
Ronon reassures himself that John is okay after the events of "Common Ground".
It's a Small World After All by
FUBAR happens on Atlantis, John disappears, two years later Rodney takes a vacation to Disneyland, and who do you think is working at Soaring Over California?
Lost and Found by
John and Ronon get some time to themselves in the back of a jumper after John returns from Larrin's clutches.
Lost, Not Found by
Sequel to That Which Will Not Die. Continued in : Just Around This Bend.
Merry Christmas, Love Santa by
John and Rodney have been captured and now it's Christmas....
Missing/Inaction by
Ronon's not good at waiting, but he does have some other skills.
My Favorite Colonel by
AU based on the Cary Grant/Irene Dunne 1940s classic movie, "My Favorite Wife."
Necromancy for the Living by
How does John write a mission report about something no one wants to hear? Missing scene for Auburn's In the City of Seven Walls
Regions of Darkness and Light by
John and Rodney get sent to Earth to recover from a bad mission, while there Atlantis is partially declassified and someone has to do the press.
Rodney's Hugs by
Rodney couldn’t help it, needed to feel for himself that Sheppard was alive and well
Rounded with a Sleep by
Sixteen days ago, John died. So why is Rodney the only one who remembers it happening?
Second Chance by
Major Sheppard always wondered how his life would have turned out if he had only gone on the expedition to Atlantis instead of returning home at his father's request.
Shattered Hearts by
The guys have a normal weekend including pizza, movies and other recreational activities. But when things go wrong, sometimes remembering the good times hurts.
Start the Bidding At... by
John is captured by slavers and ends up spending two horrifying years as a slave before he's finally rescued.
Storms In The Skies We Live In by
John almost got himself killed during a mission, and Cam is not happy with him.
The Deconstruction of Falling Stars by
Atlantis is stranded in a strange new galaxy with no way of returning to either Earth or Pegasus, John is missing and presumed dead, and just when Cam thinks that he's finally getting used to the status quo, things get worse.
The Measure of Your Touch by
Either Cam is going crazy, or John is really a ghost (or something like it).
The Path of Least Resistance by
After Common Ground, Ronon worries about John.
Trapped by
It's not every day that Sheppard gets captured and tortured without there being anything Ronon can do about it.
Unspoken by
John tries too hard to make the right choices.
Unspoken by
Rodney doesn't know what to think after John is returned to them.
Until it's All You're Holding on Too by
After tragedy strikes, Rodney's friends watch as he tries to do everything in his power to find a way to set things right. Sometimes the lengths Rodney McKay would go to on behalf of John Sheppard amazed even him; especially when those lengths included not being able to tell a single person about what he'd done.
What Once Was Lost by
John's first night back on Atlantis after having been abducted.