Tag: Captured
A New Pair of Skates by
Sheppard goes missing. Rodney is determined to find him.
A Richer Dust Concealed by
Hard lands make hard people, John had once heard Andy Corrigan say, and from his experience on Truebo, he believed it.
A Truth for a Truth by
Severe solitary confinement is a bitch. Ask John.
Abscido by
Sateda is a nation standing against the Wraith. Once mighty, they now rely on raids to other worlds to fill their military. On Ra-Yeda, circumstance leads to the capture of two men who may be their downfall.
Actually, Love by
Four times John Sheppard and Bruce Wayne were not meant to be together, three times they were, and two times they lived happily ever after.
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Adrift by
Carson gets abducted, John gets desperate. Angst and whumpage ensues.
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Aiden Ford's Bad Day by
A drugged John outs himself and Rodney to Ford.
Anchor Me by
It's finally hamburgers, of all things, that prompt some honesty out of them.
As Real As It Gets by
"If you were a decent hallucination, you'd kiss me too."
At Liberty by
John knows he's fighting a battle he's already lost.
Atlantis City Limits by
John wins a not-guitar in a raffle on P3R-242. Turns our Rodney knows how to play one.
Box of Rain by
John and Cam have a past, but can they share a future?
Broadcast Signal by
Great. Obviously he was now destined to see dead people.
Captured by
Carson is out on a hunt, but the hunter soon becomes the hunted.
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Cases of Mistaken Identity by
Aliens mistake John for Rodney.
Cell Mates by
When only one other man on Atlantis is gay, how lonely do you get before you run to him?
Chain Reaction by
Rodney gets kidnapped and John comes to the rescue, but when they're both back home on Atlantis, it seems that things are only just beginning...
Charting the Motion of Planets by
Rodney gets captured and gets into an anaphylactic shock on purpose.
Chemicals Displaced by
Cam pines for Teal'c, John pines for Rodney, but they realize that they can find comfort together.
Creation Stories by
Part 3 of the Burglary verse. “So, what made you decide to get into the detective business?”
Damaged Goods by
Ronon's immune to the wraith. Detective John Sheppard doesn't die in the Las Vegas desert. It would probably be easier if the opposites of both were true.
Dark Room by
Aiden and John find them selves trapped in a mysterious room together.
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Dark World by
Rodney finally shuffled close enough so that John could see him, carrying his chains like a character from a Dickens novel.
Dreams Are Never As They Seem by
It's the twentieth time that John Sheppard has found himself in a cell, but it's the first time that his faith in his inevitable rescue has failed him.
Dulce et Decorum est by
Aliens drug them and make them fuck each other. Cam doesn't remember, but John does.
Everything Changes (And you gotta be ready) by
Sheppard goes missing and Rodney moves heaven and earth to find him.
Expressing Gratitude by
Rodney thought he was going to die. John might have thought so too.
Fine by
Everybody kept telling Rodney that everything would be fine now that they were back in Atlantis.
Five People John Sheppard Didn't Kill on P11-23R by
The boys get kidnapped, John gets them out. Told by five people he doesn't kill in the process.
Five Presents Rodney Thought About Giving John and One He Actually Did by
Folie a Deux by
It matters like a hole in the head, because that's what it is: a hole, a wound, a fissure. He can feel out the raw edges where his memories have been cut to pieces, the sudden blanks where the film breaks and he is left flailing on the edge of words.
Forever Home by
John and Rodney find themselves far from home, with people that don't know the Stargate.
Found by
Rodney gets himself into and out of trouble but no one believes him.
H is for Hostages by
Sequel to Upside Down. John is kidnapped together with his and Evan's daughter.
Hazards of Negotiation by
The only way to rescue John is to fuck him. This turns out to be a bit of a problem because John's a backdoor virgin and Richard is rather well endowed.
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Hell Is Empty by
Written for the prompt: AMTDI, but John fights so Mitchell has to rape him so they both don't get killed. Sequel is Turn the World on With Your Smile.
Here There be Fractals by
Short interlude of the aftermath of a mission gone wrong. Sequel: Geometry of Damage
Hunting Parties by
John is captured by slavers offworld, but that's only the beginning.
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If I'm A Loser Or Just Unlucky (It Takes Effort To Be This Unlucky Remix) by
Remix of It Takes Effort To Be This Unlucky.
In the Blood by
"It really shouldn't be funny but you know I've always sort of suspected that we'd have a joint funeral."
It's You I'm Worried About by
Prompt: HC Bingo “Experiments by Evil Scientists”
John Sheppard's Guide to Making Friends in the Pegasus Galaxy by
John makes a new friend. John/sentient bear creature, John/many.
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Kiss Me Not by
Rodney waits for Sheppard’s return after Sheppard is taken by wraith worshippers
Lieder Ohne Worte (Songs Without Words) by
Rodney loses his voice.
Like Heisenberg, Looking In, Uncertain by
McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Teyla, McKay/Sheppard/Teyla. Deals with the consequences of rape and mutilation.
Missing In/Action by
An AU John Sheppard married to Rodney McKay ends up in an alternate reality where John Sheppard's an enemy of the state. There is no way home. Part of the War Stories series.
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Nemesis by
'It has been two days since your friends deserted you, Dr. McKay,' Atter tutted softly. 'No one is coming for you.' Sequel: The Fury
Never Give In by
They had tried almost every trick in the book to break him.
No Complaints by
The team is captured but is Rodney who's hurt.
No Contest by
"The imperiled teammate bit was just a motivational technique."
Old-Fashioned Fun by
Both of them are captured in a dark cell.
Paper Unicorns by
John tells himself, they'll come for us because the only other option is knowing that Cam can't take this much longer.
Piece by Piece by
John gets interrogated mentally by telepaths and is forced to relive some very personal moments of his life in the Pegasus galaxy. Rodney doesn't leave his side and tries to come up with a plan to free John.
Pink by
It's 'aliens made them do it' with a bit of syrup thrown in there.
Quality of Memory by
After screwing up every relationship he's ever been in, John decides to find himself a robot companion instead.
Random Chance by WIP
John and Evan are captured by the Wraith.
Rebirth of Legend by
Minor Caldwell/Weir, implied Ronon/Teyla & Lorne/Parrish.
Reckless by
You'd kill for me and die for me, but I just want you to live for me.
Redux by
Just how many times has the Team had its memories wiped?
Repercussions by
John is captured by Kolya. Rodney goes to the extreme to rescue him.
Rescue Me by
The rescue mission doesn't go exactly as planned.
Ripples by
Cavemen and ipods and astronauts and could it be magic? Retellling of the fairy tale Tam Lin.
Rising Tide by
John and Cam are sentenced to death by drowning, which brings out a phobia and a confession. Fortunately, they both have very competent teammates who can save the day.
Sing to Me by
John is about as broken as a person can be, but Cam's still fascinated by him.
Slave to Love by
Sheppard has disappeared and Rodney and the team must find him before something terrible happens.
Stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed (except when it really can’t) by
Symbolism by
Cam didn't just read *SG1's* old mission reports...
Syrup Dreams by
Written for the prompt: John/Todd, running into each other off-world, John ends up drugged. Todd bends him over something and fucks him, and John is watching him do it in a mirror, window, reflective surface. Dubcon/noncon - John's turned on, but everything's dreamlike and he doesn't really get that it's real.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Color of a Burning Brook by
Taken captive Sheppard is forced to relive memories, some painful, others not so much.
The Measure of Your Touch by
Either Cam is going crazy, or John is really a ghost (or something like it).
The Providence of Stars by
In the summer of 1942, young Dr. Rodney McKay steps off a train, eager to continue his work on the war effort. Nearly a year later, he's running for his life with Captain John Sheppard.
The Sacred Lerq of Keldra by
"I'm dressed in the Ceremonial Fur of the Sacred Lerq."
The Third Time by
Alien women like John. Evil Alien women really, really like Daniel.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Theory of Evolution by
John survives, but he doesn't revert back to human. Stuck with a body he can't accept as his own, John withdraws - and Rodney lets him, certain that all John needs is time. But what if he's wrong?
These Pages are Burning by
This Wraith queen was different....
Three Times Rodney McKay had a Superpower; One Time He Was Just a Hero by
What it all adds up to is four times John thought he was going to lose Rodney.
Tiny Pieces of Fear by
The Team has to prove that they are suitable potential allies (it must be Tuesday).
Tremblor by
It's not that you haven't been held at gunpoint before.
Unlocked by
"Your husband here will be facing Kistos in his eleventh match. No one's lasted this long in living memory. Losing to Kistos will be an honorable death for your man."
Unpredictable by
In which Rodney keeps getting everyone arrested, Zelenka has cake-related schemes, Teyla has a saying and John has choices to make…
Wanted You All Along by
Cam finally brings John along on an off-world mission and nearly gets him killed.
Welcome to Blaine by
The invasion that everyone had known was coming and prayed wouldn’t. But no expected the developments in Blaine.
Well, isn't this bloody Fantastic! by
The team become the Fantastic Four: John = Mr. Fantastic, Rodney = Human Torch, Teyla = Invisible Woman & Ronon = The Thing.
What I Meant To Say by
AMTDI, bondage, boots, bottom!John... what more do you need for the holidays? Warning, AMTDI noncon/dubcon issues apply.
What Might Have Been Series by
Also past McKay/Quinn, McKay/Mitchell, Sheppard/Holland, Sheppard/Mitchell and present O'Neill/Carter, Dave Sheppard/Keller, Mitchell/OMC, Lam/OMC & OMC/OMC.
What if Rodney didn’t go to Atlantis and the city was lost again? Sheppard turns up as the second command of the SGC under Major General Jack O’Neill and after a year of watching the moody government contractor Dr. Rodney McKay… he decides to make some very personal changes in his life.
When Life Throws You A Curveball… by
Cameron Mitchell was not, by any means, an unlucky guy. Sadly, due to recent events, he may need to reassess his situation.
White Lies by
Rodney and Ronon exchange lies and truths on the Wraith ship. Rodney loses track of which is which.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
With Twilight As My Guide by
Trapped in a mine, pursued by a deadly evil, wounded, ill and desperate, John Sheppard and Ronon Dex discover that their relationship has changed.
Zombie Movie by
Sometimes his life was like living in a horror flick.
he alone determines by
Half-way through the celebration feast (there seemed to be one every three planets, now) a group of masked raiders had attacked the village.