Tag: Episode AU - 2x08 Conversion
A Different Rate of Conversion by WIP
What if Carson couldn't completely cure John from being a bug. More parts here: Part 2. Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
Part 6, Part 7
Before & After by
It was before the President’s visit, but after the Iratus bug, that I realized what existed between you both. When Carson said I’m sorry, John, I’m so, so sorry, but there’s nothing I can do, the Colonel did not look at Carson or Elizabeth, Teyla or Ronan, Caldwell or me. He looked at you.
Changed by
What would have happened to the Atlantis crew had Sheppard's condition in Conversion been contagious?
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Changes by
What if Rodney was infected through his splinter from helping John after Elia attacked him?
Conversion Trilogy by
Instead of Teyla, John is working out with Rodney at the beginning of Conversion.
Elytra (or 'Bullet with Xeno-Hemiptera wings') by
John didn't quite change back from the Iratus incident.
Guilt and Consequences by
Alternative take on Conversion. (R)
Radek gets bitten by the Iratus bug. (R)
Take by
As John starts to change, he begins to sense things like never before.
The Crate by url needed)
(Rodney didn't go to Atlantis. Some time later, he gets a crate with a mysterious creature inside...
JOURNAL PURGED. New source req.
Theory of Evolution by
John survives, but he doesn't revert back to human. Stuck with a body he can't accept as his own, John withdraws - and Rodney lets him, certain that all John needs is time. But what if he's wrong?