Tag: Episode AU - 2x08 Conversion

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A Different Rate of Conversion by Ionaonie WIP

What if Carson couldn't completely cure John from being a bug. More parts here: Part 2. Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
Part 6, Part 7

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Before & After by helena_eternal

It was before the President’s visit, but after the Iratus bug, that I realized what existed between you both. When Carson said I’m sorry, John, I’m so, so sorry, but there’s nothing I can do, the Colonel did not look at Carson or Elizabeth, Teyla or Ronan, Caldwell or me. He looked at you.

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Changed by Cede Lede

What would have happened to the Atlantis crew had Sheppard's condition in Conversion been contagious?

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Changes by ChimeraDragon

What if Rodney was infected through his splinter from helping John after Elia attacked him?

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Conversion Trilogy by margarks

Instead of Teyla, John is working out with Rodney at the beginning of Conversion.

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Guilt and Consequences by Kez

Alternative take on Conversion. (R)
Radek gets bitten by the Iratus bug. (R)

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Take by ozsaur

As John starts to change, he begins to sense things like never before.

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The Crate by Rosemending (url needed)

Rodney didn't go to Atlantis. Some time later, he gets a crate with a mysterious creature inside...
JOURNAL PURGED. New source req.

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Theory of Evolution by lavvyan

John survives, but he doesn't revert back to human. Stuck with a body he can't accept as his own, John withdraws - and Rodney lets him, certain that all John needs is time. But what if he's wrong?

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