Tag: Iratus Bug!John
A Different Rate of Conversion by WIP
What if Carson couldn't completely cure John from being a bug. More parts here: Part 2. Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
Part 6, Part 7
Before & After by
It was before the President’s visit, but after the Iratus bug, that I realized what existed between you both. When Carson said I’m sorry, John, I’m so, so sorry, but there’s nothing I can do, the Colonel did not look at Carson or Elizabeth, Teyla or Ronan, Caldwell or me. He looked at you.
Changed by
What would have happened to the Atlantis crew had Sheppard's condition in Conversion been contagious?
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Changes by
What if Rodney was infected through his splinter from helping John after Elia attacked him?
Deprivation by
Sheppard has a no-cross personal DMZ around him…until he doesn’t.
Elytra (or 'Bullet with Xeno-Hemiptera wings') by
John didn't quite change back from the Iratus incident.
Feature by
What do you do when one of your best friends ends up mutated and blue? First, buy a cake....
Living is a Gamble by
It had been ten years since roughly eighty percent of the population had died. These days, the cities were mostly full of the ten percent that had been... changed by the virus.
Out of Time by
John corners Rodney and gives him what he wants. And then gives him something more.
Revelation by
Links to all parts of the series can be found in the index.
Take by
As John starts to change, he begins to sense things like never before.
The Beast In Me by
Conversion AU. With O'Neill on Atlantis, Teyla isn't the one John accosts.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Crate by url needed)
(Rodney didn't go to Atlantis. Some time later, he gets a crate with a mysterious creature inside...
JOURNAL PURGED. New source req.
The Fourteenth of Green by
It has been three weeks. Rodney marks another line on the wall. These ones are in red, a clean break to mark the days without John.
The Sacrificial Mage by
Magic was a zero-sum game. If you didn't sacrifice as much as you were given, you would lose.
Theory of Evolution by
John survives, but he doesn't revert back to human. Stuck with a body he can't accept as his own, John withdraws - and Rodney lets him, certain that all John needs is time. But what if he's wrong?