Tag: Sparring

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A New Sparring Technique by azure_chaos

John and Ronon's sparring session goes a little differently than usual.

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Busted by bridgie0202

"I'm very aware of how much you want me." He shifted his grip.

John moaned again.

"I have the evidence in my hand."

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Practice Makes Perfect by cordeliadelayne

All sorts of things can happen in the communal showers.

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Primal Instincts by Merlin7

Ronon and Sheppard come to an understanding.

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Say No to Velociraptors by Epiphanyx7

Two days after the Incident (and this is why John doesn’t like Lorne’s team. All the messed-up things happened wherever they were… Sure, his team isn’t perfect, but he much prefers being shot at to being… mutilated), John finally runs out of MREs and is forced to seek nutrition outside of his quarters.

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Spar by inbarati

Teyla and Rodney are laid up in the infirmary, and John and Ronon deal with it in their own way.

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Strangers When We Meet by Jen Davis (jendavis)

One day, a group of explorers from the city of the Ancestors arrive at Sateda. As military commander, it's Ronon Dex's job to deal with them.

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The One With The Sex by cordeliadelayne

A sparring session leads to exercise of a different kind.

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The Path of Least Resistance by rubygirl29

After Common Ground, Ronon worries about John.

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There's No Point In Fighting It... by pinkstar1991

Sparring practice leads to a more ... satisfying form of exercise.

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This Could Be the Last Mistake by smaragdbird

Post Broken Ties, seeing Tyre again reopened old wounds that had never healed in the first place.

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Walk Into the Sea by seleneheart

All parts are accessible through the memories page.

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Warriors by rubygirl29

John and Ronon both work hard and play hard.

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When The Night Comes by j_r_hartley WIP

Whilst on a trading mission, Sheppard and his team engage in some local customs. On their return to Atlantis, something is different, and Ronon finds that his growing feelings towards Sheppard might not be as one sided as he thought. However, the course of true love never did run smooth…

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