Tag: Something Made Them Do It
Against the Gate by
John gets Rodney up against the Stargate. It's a very good thing.
Alien Drugs by
John and Evan are given drugs offworld and the only way to counteract them is to have sex.
Don't believe everything you're told by
Lorne learns that he should pay more attention to the botanists.
Five Ways Ronon Dex Kisses a Team Member by
(ends on a Ronon/Teyla note)
No Regrets by
For Porn Battle XI prompts Sheppard/Todd, rescue, feeding, heat, hiveship, understanding.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
On the Bright Side by
"Oh, come on, Parrish. I'm not stupid enough to touch the weird alien plant life again."
Peril by
John and Evan are trapped in a room with electrified walls that are closing in on them. It's just another day in the Pegasus galaxy.
Professional by
Jack's never had to fuck his boyfriend while pretending that he's not his boyfriend before.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Some After Effects Are Normal by
Remix of Side Effects May Vary.
Spar by
Teyla and Rodney are laid up in the infirmary, and John and Ronon deal with it in their own way.
Staring at the Sun by
A look at the darwinian adaptations of sex pollen.
The Pleasure of the Fulnari by
John was stuck there trying to think peaceful thoughts surrounded by ridiculously attractive naked people. It wasn't easy.
Time confusion by
Ancient device and time travel made them do it! (NC-17)