Author: dustandroses
5 stories indexed.
Bound and Determined by
Rodney had been lying there, bound hand and foot, forever. Where the hell was his rescue party?
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Get A Grip by
Rodney gets himself into a bind, and Ronon goes the extra mile to help him out of a tough situation.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Spectator Sport by
Rodney was tired of sleeping on hard, rock floors; if he didn't figure out how to get himself and Ronon out of this damned temple today, he'd lose his mind, he was sure of it.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Pleasure of the Fulnari by
John was stuck there trying to think peaceful thoughts surrounded by ridiculously attractive naked people. It wasn't easy.
Yours, Yours Too, Yours Still, Yours Always by
These four ficlets are the story of one important night in Ronon and John's relationship.