Tag: Science!
25 fics tagged
A Richer Dust Concealed by
Hard lands make hard people, John had once heard Andy Corrigan say, and from his experience on Truebo, he believed it.
Chain Reaction by
Rodney gets kidnapped and John comes to the rescue, but when they're both back home on Atlantis, it seems that things are only just beginning...
Cold around the Edges by
AU after Siege 1. Warning: character death (R) Part 2
Dead: both (R) Part 2
His Bodyguard (series) by WIP
AU where John (and Ronon and Teyla) are bodyguards for one Dr. Rodney McKay. Link is to series page.
Like Pulling a Rabbit out of a Hat by
When they discover alien ships heading towards Atlantis, Rodney has yet another brilliant plan to save them. Unfortunately, this plan goes horribly wrong.
Time confusion by
Ancient device and time travel made them do it! (NC-17)
What You Always Wanted by
John and Rodney learn to love the seasonal gift exchange.