Author: trillingstar
A Pointless Story by
Sexy, sweaty John is one of Rodney's favorite things.
A Well-Deserved Reward by
"Is that a laugh of self-deprecation, because trust me, if I was getting eaten by a crazed vampire alien, I'd be totally fine with you ending my life, okay," Rodney says. His gaze dips down to John's mouth. "Or is it because I just made my boss sound like my pimp?"
A Wolf at Your Door by
He has no idea what they look like as wolves, knows only what they smell like, how their bodies feel pushed up against his, and what their fur tastes like under his tongue.
Capitalistic Enterprise by
John's heard that Rodney McKay is the guy to see.
Carpet Diem by
John's pretty sure his original assessment of the situation is correct when a loose half-circle of men holding guns surround them, but it's not as though he can crow about it, not when a quick glimpse over his shoulder shows a vine-covered ravine so deep that he can't see the bottom.
Chasing the Dragon by
Z's an interesting compound. It makes people malleable but not weak-willed, even though there are ways around stubbornness. It's also been used as an aphrodisiac, a painkiller, and a backdoor to dream sleep. Quick-acting and long-lasting, Z allows people to access greater brainpower, manifests as temporary strength and agility, and is deadly addictive.
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Rare pairings slash index
Conduct Unbecoming by
A mission goes sideways, and there's a price to be paid.
Lighter Than Air by
The Ml'suk have harbored a grudge for thousands of years, and they have no qualms about using Sheppard as a pawn in their manipulations. Teyla, Ronon, and Rodney have to play by the rules or risk forfeiting John's life.
Ph.D. Balanced by
Will Rodney get to tell John how he really feels before they're separated forever? (???!)
Pilgrimage by
Carson's mom was what Rodney had pictured, both sweet and sour, with wide, smiling eyes and prone to express fond exasperation, just like her son.
Short Handed by
"No hands," John grates out. "It's your turn, and you owe me."
Stuck On You by
On the team's day off, John and Rodney brave quicksand, caves, water traps, and matchmakers. Rodney admits to something life-changing, and sometimes John feels as though he's just along for the ride.
The Casualties of Truth by
A body is a body is a body, but blood and brains... now, those are special. Vital. The soldier, above all other men, is required to practice the greatest act â€" sacrifice.
The Triboelectric Effect by
"What the hell were you thinking, touching it!" John yells, terrified.
"I didn't mean to!" Rodney yells back. "Oh right, because this morning I thought, let's be sure to get stuck to an unidentified object on an unknown planet in the dark depths of a cave today. Excellent, can't wait!"
c/o Doctor Rodney McKay by
A late-night delivery causes Rodney to go postal on John...'s ass.
wednesdays are for rimming by
slutty!Rodney, rimming, and thigh holsters.