Tag: AU (SF, Fantasy And/Or Horror Settings)

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A Bird Without Feathers by ladyamarra

"Uh," Rodney mumbles "You're not going to eat me, are you? Because I'm pretty sure I'll taste awful, really awful."

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A Little Resurrection Every Time I Fall by race_the_ace

When Sam falls into Hell, Dean doesn’t go to Lisa, he goes to Vegas, because, well, it’s Vegas.

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A blue true dream of sky by Isilya

Rodney is a scientist investigating the enviromental plage known as Wraith. John is a cattle owner who's forced to help him

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Addiction by camshaft22, falconsheart

In a bleak and dangerous world, John and Cam find each other.

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Ain't Seen the Sunshine Since I Don't Know When by lilyfarfalla

He couldn't remember a time when he had done anything other than taking tickets on the train, but some days, Shep dreamed of flying on silent wings through of a city of glass and metal spires. Inspired by Miyazaki's "Spirited Away."

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Archangel by czarinakathryn

Based on Sharon Shinn's novels of Samaria.
John is an angel with more than his fair share of trouble.

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Blink by lavvyan

I am going to tell you a story. About Dr. McKay and how he bought an eye from me, and how that one small act led to the strangest night in my entire life.

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But Where Would They Live by thingswithwings

Sequel: The Dreams That You Dare to Dream. Rodney is a unicorn, John is a rainbow, Teyla is a dolphin & Ronon is a a warm spring breeze.

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Chasing the Dragon by trillingstar

Z's an interesting compound. It makes people malleable but not weak-willed, even though there are ways around stubbornness. It's also been used as an aphrodisiac, a painkiller, and a backdoor to dream sleep. Quick-acting and long-lasting, Z allows people to access greater brainpower, manifests as temporary strength and agility, and is deadly addictive.

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Dark World by ozsaur

Rodney finally shuffled close enough so that John could see him, carrying his chains like a character from a Dickens novel.

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Dearest by lavvyan

Once a pet is fully mature, he or she is assigned to an owner; a person they are programmed to love and obey until they die.

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Fairly Stupid Tale by MrsHamill

No fairy tales were abused in the creation of this fic. ::snorfle::

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Familiar by sgatlantislight

Newbie wizard Jahn the Shepherd invokes a demon to help them against the Wraith: Merodis-rodnee-mickay.

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Forever Approaching Infinity by Tzzzz

To Rodney, all of time happens in an instant, but he still can't seem to grasp the future. SGA/Watchmen fusion.

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Frail And Fragile Bars by almostnever (Cesare)

John leaves Rodney and Earth behind, and suffers for it when his Cycle goes haywire. Part of the John_Farr Universe

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Freedom's Chance by ladysorka

"Nobody ends up out here if they're on the good side of Fleet and Core, kid." A space opera AU.

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Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves by Auburn

Aka space pirates the au epic of doom. A WIP but part one is 27,000 words. Part 2: Croatoan Part 3: Part 3

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H is for Hostages by rinkafic

Sequel to Upside Down. John is kidnapped together with his and Evan's daughter.

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Heavy in Your Arms by Welfycat

Atlantis was not the safe haven Evan Lorne had been expecting but there was someone there who was a haven all on his own.

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It's What You Don't See by telesilla

Rodney McKay's been a loner for close to 400 years now, which is why it makes no sense when he falls hard for a Blood Bank worker named John Sheppard.

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It's What You Hear (The Five Senses Remix) by argosy

Remix of It's What You Don't See by telesilla. After nearly 200 years as a loner, John Sheppard finds himself drawn to a blood bank worker named Rodney McKay.

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I’ll See It Through (The Texas Two-Step Mix) by dee_laundry

"You really can get anything online these days," Rodney thought as he finished the form on MatchYourType.com. Any special requests? was the last item. "English speaker willing to relocate to Romania."

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Lesson by kuwdora

John Preston had everything and nothing in common with John Sheppard. The man was an enigma wrapped up in a deceptive but disarming sense of humor he didn’t quite understand, yet at times he could be even more closed off than Preston himself.

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Like Deep Pools of Glass by Cerri44

McKay/Ronon, McKay/Sheppard, implied Elizabeth/Radek.

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Living is a Gamble by telesilla

It had been ten years since roughly eighty percent of the population had died. These days, the cities were mostly full of the ten percent that had been... changed by the virus.

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Long Distance Call by fawkesielady-ed

For the Twilight Zone challenge - Rodney's dead so how can he answer John's phone call?

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Precious by lavvyan

Sequel to Dearest; those with the ATA gene were now the Liberated.

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Quality of Memory by dossier

After screwing up every relationship he's ever been in, John decides to find himself a robot companion instead.

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Small Comfort by heeroluva

John, with Ronon in tow, meets up with an old friend with connections he couldn't imagine.

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Soft Swap by bironic

"What's the Guinness record for number of vampire-human simultaneous orgasms?"

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Tables Turned by Tzzzz

"That's it, I am not giving the kangaroos and the bees talk to the two of you. Go traumatize Carson instead!" Prequel: Once There Was a Man Named Holland. Sequel: Not a Henry

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The Casualties of Truth by trillingstar

A body is a body is a body, but blood and brains... now, those are special. Vital. The soldier, above all other men, is required to practice the greatest act â€" sacrifice.

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The End of the World as We Know It by lavvyan

John Sheppard lived in a small house by the end of the world, which is just a few miles to the south of the left end of the rainbow. It was a solitary life, the house surrounded by nothing but long grass and wild flowers and a few trees in the distance... and, of course, the sheer cliff dropping straight down into infinity about fifteen feet from the back door.

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The Fourteenth of Green by kanata, kyuuketsukirui

It has been three weeks. Rodney marks another line on the wall. These ones are in red, a clean break to mark the days without John.

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The Hard Prayer by Rheanna

John is the last man alive on Earth. Until he meets Rodney.

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The Lab Boy by Cassandra Pierson (ca_pierson)

When Prince Meredith leaves home to finally meet his husband everything starts going wrong.

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The Long Engagement by omg_wtf_yeah

McShep Steampunk!Atlantis AU. John is the leader of the Sheppard Circus Company. Lost in their travels, the troupe happens on the hidden city of Atlantis where McKay is the mistrustful leader of the Lanteans. McKay makes an agreement with the troupe wherein they'll stay on in the city and perform a number of shows. He also asks John for his adopted sister, Jennifer Keller's, hand in marriage. When John refuses to give them his blessing, Rodney proposes that the only way to change his mind is to get to know each other better. But as the two men become close, Rodney begins to question if marrying Jennifer is what he really wants or if what he wants could be something totally unexpected.

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The North Pole Society by TopKat (url needed)

With her last words, John's mother sent him to the North Pole.

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The Sacrificial Mage by taste_is_sweet (Leah)

Magic was a zero-sum game. If you didn't sacrifice as much as you were given, you would lose.

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The Sorcerer King by Tarlan

In a time of magic, when Prince John mounts a rescue to save his family's oldest friend, he discovers more than just an ally in the sorcerer, Rodney McKay, as they seek to overthrow the Wraith Queen of Atlantis.

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The Spare by Rachael Sabotini

As part of peace treaty, empire's royal noble John has to marry science minister Rodney of the Dyzan province

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The Tangler and the Hunter by Master Elayna

Rodney's a disgraced para-archaeologist-physicist; John's a famous movie star with secrets; they live on a planet called Harmony.

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The Vagabond Prince by almostnever (Cesare)

Fairy tale AU based on the story usually known as "Donkeyskin", modeled on the "Sapsorrow" retelling from Jim Henson's The Storyteller.

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To Be With You by rinkafic

John and Cam are the pleasure slaves of Jack O'Neill, but they are unwisely falling in love with each other. A little AU of John and Cam from the Telpa ‘verse AU.

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Two Halves Don't Make a Whole by Welfycat

Evan Lorne wishes he'd never even heard of the Stargate program, let alone a mythic ancient city in another galaxy.

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Welcome to Blaine by rabidfan

The invasion that everyone had known was coming and prayed wouldn’t. But no expected the developments in Blaine.

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With Wings Spread Wide by skieswideopen

The SGC invites Teyla and Ronon to visit Earth. Cam seems intent on showing them the sights. Including the dragons.

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You're All I Ever Wanted (But I'm Terrified of You) by sabinelagrande

Rodney can't help it if he's become set in his ways. He's had a lot of time to, okay?

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