Author: lilyfarfalla

4 stories indexed.
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Ain't Seen the Sunshine Since I Don't Know When by lilyfarfalla

He couldn't remember a time when he had done anything other than taking tickets on the train, but some days, Shep dreamed of flying on silent wings through of a city of glass and metal spires. Inspired by Miyazaki's "Spirited Away."

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Down the Rabbit Hole by lilyfarfalla

If it wasn’t the Wraith, it was killer rabbits, John thought bemusedly.

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Where to Start Over and How to Begin by lilyfarfalla

Post-Season 5, Atlantis is stuck on Earth. Teyla realizes she has to create the path to take Atlantis home. With the help of Woolsey, Ronon, John and Rodney, she's widely successful, but somewhere along the way, Rodney and John get a little lost.

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