Author: Master Elayna

17 stories indexed.

Basic Needs by Master Elayna

Alien drugs make John have to masturbate constantly

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Lean on Me by Master Elayna

Ex-military John down on his luck meets FBI Rodney.

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The Neighborly Detective and the Tragic Woobie Widower Verse by Master Elayna

Detective John Sheppard starts his new life in suburbia and becomes steadily captivated by his neighbor, Dr. Rodney McKay, and his son Timothy. This fic started because I wondered why Rodney never got to be the tragic woobie widower in fic.

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The Observer by Master Elayna

A man on the run kidnaps a couple on Christmas Eve.
Secondary pairings: Jeannie/Kaleb Miller, Dave/Helen Sheppard, Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan, Evan Lorne/Radek Zelenka

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The Tangler and the Hunter by Master Elayna

Rodney's a disgraced para-archaeologist-physicist; John's a famous movie star with secrets; they live on a planet called Harmony.

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