Tag: Mpreg

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2.473 billion to one by darkmoore

When the Ori destroyed Earth, a secret evacuation had been going on for several months. A few hundred thousand people had been sent through the Stargate into the Pegasus galaxy, settling into new lives on different planets all around.

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Altered State by sffan

Rodney becomes a woman in part 1. MPREG in part 2.

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Baby A and Baby B by Jen

You have to join the _trouble_fics_ community to read it.

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Baby Boom by darkmoore

"You’re pregnant and you didn’t plan on telling me? You wanted to get rid of it without ever letting me know I could have been a father? Don’t you think this should be my decision, too?"

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Christmas Baby by Jen

Pregnant: Rodney. Past pregnant John implied.

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Dawn Will Break by darkmoore, Cassandra Pierson (ca_pierson)

When Atlantis - upon returning to the Pegasus Galaxy from Earth - breaks apart in hyperspace, only John is saved from the debris. The group of Ancients that retrieved him offer him a bargain: Either he helps them make corrections in some universes, where things have gone wrong, or they put him back where he was found. Reluctantly accepting, John embarks on a lonely journey through a multitude of universes until he finally reaches the place he could again call home.

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He's Having His Baby! by Rageprufrock (Glitterati)

Babies had better be totally fucking awesome, John thinks dismally, because not even sex is worth this shit. Sequel to He's Having Her Baby!

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It moved! by Fenchurch

Ongoing baby stories here

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Like No Other Child by Cottontail

The unplanned domestic life John never expected to have out in the middle of the Pegasus galaxy. Includes love, loss, grief, eventual acceptance and hope. Sequel: Inch Worm

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Out of the Everywhere by kyrdwyn

An offworld incident leaves Carson pregnant with his and John's child.

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Piece by Piece by nakatas_cat

John gets interrogated mentally by telepaths and is forced to relive some very personal moments of his life in the Pegasus galaxy. Rodney doesn't leave his side and tries to come up with a plan to free John.

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Surrogate by seekergeek

Rodney manages to save the team, but at a terrible cost to himself. When John later stumbles across an Ancient facility, he finds that it can give Rodney what the scientist had given up as a lost cause due to his sacrifice. But the facility is rapidly running out of power and John has to make a snap decision. How far is John willing to go to help a man that he loves far too much for his own good?

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Tables Turned by Tzzzz

"That's it, I am not giving the kangaroos and the bees talk to the two of you. Go traumatize Carson instead!" Prequel: Once There Was a Man Named Holland. Sequel: Not a Henry

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The Enemy Within by Kez

John is captured by the Wraith and experimented on.

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The Innocent's Dark Seduction by Goddess47

"Pregnant? Yes," Rodney snarled. "Now that Dave's devious plan has worked, you know about it. Yes, it's yours. No, you don't have to have anything to do with it... her......"

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The Providence of Stars by melagan

In the summer of 1942, young Dr. Rodney McKay steps off a train, eager to continue his work on the war effort. Nearly a year later, he's running for his life with Captain John Sheppard.

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The Softness of Light by Claire

Ancient tech makes Carson pregnant with Rodney's child.

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Twist by dk_valentine WIP

Twist 2. John becomes a woman, but it's Rodney who gets pregnant

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Uncertain Thing by vain-glorious

The child is not Rodney's biologically.

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You Belong With Me by Gamilaroi

John Sheppard and Darcy O'Neill have strong feelings for each other, but must surpress them due to both being in the USAF. When a machine is discovered off world everything changes for both men.

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You're My Lucky Star by kathrynparis

"Congratulations Major Sheppard! You're pregnant," Beckett informed, like it doesn't matter to him one way or the other that John Sheppard, a man, not to mention an Air Force Major is pregnant.

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abicierum by thekatcameback, doublehelix20

One night plus four months, times n for the weight gain, equals one fetus. And onward. Abicierum-- to give up, not to surrender.

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