Tag: Telepathic Bond

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Bonding by somehowunbroken

Aliens make John and Cam create an involuntary soulbond. Sequel: Next.

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Next by somehowunbroken

Vala throws a party, and she loves glitter like whoa. Sequel to Bonding.

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Nowhere Land by TheShadowPanther, Cassandra Pierson (ca_pierson)

About to be ripped apart by the psychic attack of a Wraith Queen, Telepath Rodney McKay does something no-one has ever done before: he reaches out.

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Piece by Piece by nakatas_cat

John gets interrogated mentally by telepaths and is forced to relive some very personal moments of his life in the Pegasus galaxy. Rodney doesn't leave his side and tries to come up with a plan to free John.

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Redefining 'Long Distance' by blueskypenguin

Cam finds that developing a psychic bond with the guy you have a secret crush on isn't as bad as it sounds.

Lists: Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index

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The Sweat Lodge by Margie

A sweat lodge ritual has unplanned consequences.
Psychic bond between John and Rodney.

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Two Halves Don't Make a Whole by Welfycat

Evan Lorne wishes he'd never even heard of the Stargate program, let alone a mythic ancient city in another galaxy.

Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index

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Warlock's Bond: Healer by Rose Wilde-Irish

(NC-17) Companion to Warlock's Bond: Warrior by Kyrdwyn (Sheppard/Zelenka).

Lists: McKay/Beckett thematic fic index

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life not a dream by somehowunbroken

Gene carriers are bound together, which would usually work if you didn't hate your bondmate.

Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index

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