Tag: Death-fic

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A Week of Emptiness (The 7 Sins of Carson Beckett - Sloth) by Rhiannon Morwenna

Dead: Rodney (R). Part of a series: Prequels: A Slow Dance, Resentment, Lessons Learned, Madness and Craving and Too Little Too Late (character death), followed by Left Behind (character death, also Beckett/Sheppard)

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Cracks by cats_bum1

Rodney survives John. Pre-slash

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Dawn Will Break by darkmoore, Cassandra Pierson (ca_pierson)

When Atlantis - upon returning to the Pegasus Galaxy from Earth - breaks apart in hyperspace, only John is saved from the debris. The group of Ancients that retrieved him offer him a bargain: Either he helps them make corrections in some universes, where things have gone wrong, or they put him back where he was found. Reluctantly accepting, John embarks on a lonely journey through a multitude of universes until he finally reaches the place he could again call home.

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Defract: Clear Blue Skies by senket

John Sheppard is obsessed with speed; it's only fair that he should have the shortest Ascension in all of history.

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Home In Time For Jeopardy by shakespherical

Even the defeat of the Wraith and a bright future in the Pegasus galaxy doesn’t mean that the universe isn’t ultimately random and cruel. Or that love can’t be found in the ruins of your own life.

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Left Behind by Rhiannon Morwenna

Dead: Rodney (also Beckett/Sheppard) (PG). Part of a series: Prequels: A Slow Dance, Resentment, Lessons Learned, Madness and Craving, Too Little Too Late (character death), and A Week of Emptiness (character death)

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Lonely by shootingsilverstarlight

John survives Rodney. More than 30 years later, they meet again in the afterlife.

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Long Distance Call by fawkesielady-ed

For the Twilight Zone challenge - Rodney's dead so how can he answer John's phone call?

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McKay Squared by Kez

Death of alternate universe main character

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Quietus by f0rcryin0utl0ud (url needed)

John survives Rodney, but not for long

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Rising by lavvyan

John survives Rodney, but the Ascended Rodney is waiting for him

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So Long, Love by AsaruKatarin

John survives Rodney, for a short time.

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The Fourteenth of Green by kanata, kyuuketsukirui

It has been three weeks. Rodney marks another line on the wall. These ones are in red, a clean break to mark the days without John.

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The Good Friend by rabidfan

Insanity can be hidden for a long, long time if the crazy one is driven enough to keep it that way. Bohgdan knew he was crazy. He didn’t much care.

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Thin Thread Left by Bluflamingo

People talk about this as a victory, but to John it feels like defeat; the end of their first decade in the city

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Too Little Too Late (The 7 Sins of Carson Beckett - Pride) by Rhiannon Morwenna

Character death (R). Part of a series: Prequels: A Slow Dance, Resentment, Lessons Learned and Madness and Craving, followed by A Week of Emptiness (character death), Left Behind (character death, also Beckett/Sheppard)
Dead: Rodney (R). Part of a series: Prequels: A Slow Dance, Resentment, Lessons Learned and Madness and Craving, followed by A Week of Emptiness (character death), Left Behind (character death, also Beckett/Sheppard)

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Walk the Line by Kodiak Bear

Rodney survives John, but not for long

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Wish You Were Here by Auburn (url needed)

Separated by accident, Rodney survives John and John survives Rodney (Scroll down the page for the fic)

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Yellow by cosmonaut_elf

Dead: Carson (PG-13)
Injured: Carson (PG-13). Warning: Character death

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