Tag: Death-fic
A Week of Emptiness (The 7 Sins of Carson Beckett - Sloth) by
Dead: Rodney (R). Part of a series: Prequels: A Slow Dance, Resentment, Lessons Learned, Madness and Craving and Too Little Too Late (character death), followed by Left Behind (character death, also Beckett/Sheppard)
Cardiogenesis (The Heart of the Matter) by
It was the stupidest way to die in any galaxy.
Cold around the Edges by
AU after Siege 1. Warning: character death (R) Part 2
Dead: both (R) Part 2
Dawn Will Break by
When Atlantis - upon returning to the Pegasus Galaxy from Earth - breaks apart in hyperspace, only John is saved from the debris. The group of Ancients that retrieved him offer him a bargain: Either he helps them make corrections in some universes, where things have gone wrong, or they put him back where he was found. Reluctantly accepting, John embarks on a lonely journey through a multitude of universes until he finally reaches the place he could again call home.
Defract: Clear Blue Skies by
John Sheppard is obsessed with speed; it's only fair that he should have the shortest Ascension in all of history.
Drowning, with you by
Rodney survives John, but not for long
Flying Solo by
Sequel: Limited Perspective
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index
Home In Time For Jeopardy by
Even the defeat of the Wraith and a bright future in the Pegasus galaxy doesn’t mean that the universe isn’t ultimately random and cruel. Or that love can’t be found in the ruins of your own life.
Left Behind by
Dead: Rodney (also Beckett/Sheppard) (PG). Part of a series: Prequels: A Slow Dance, Resentment, Lessons Learned, Madness and Craving, Too Little Too Late (character death), and A Week of Emptiness (character death)
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Lonely by
John survives Rodney. More than 30 years later, they meet again in the afterlife.
Long Distance Call by
For the Twilight Zone challenge - Rodney's dead so how can he answer John's phone call?
Nightmares in the Darkness by
Sequel to Life Is Not A Dream. Evan has had enough.
Quietus by url needed)
(John survives Rodney, but not for long
Rising by
John survives Rodney, but the Ascended Rodney is waiting for him
The Fourteenth of Green by
It has been three weeks. Rodney marks another line on the wall. These ones are in red, a clean break to mark the days without John.
The Good Friend by
Insanity can be hidden for a long, long time if the crazy one is driven enough to keep it that way. Bohgdan knew he was crazy. He didn’t much care.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Haunting of Carson Beckett (Prequel) by
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
The Pay is Certain (One Way or Another) by
Cam receives a crushing blow.
Thin Thread Left by
People talk about this as a victory, but to John it feels like defeat; the end of their first decade in the city
Thinking of Rodney by
Dead: both. (NC-17) Sequels: Thinking of Radek and Thinking of John. Also McKay/Sheppard.
Too Little Too Late (The 7 Sins of Carson Beckett - Pride) by
Character death (R). Part of a series: Prequels: A Slow Dance, Resentment, Lessons Learned and Madness and Craving, followed by A Week of Emptiness (character death), Left Behind (character death, also Beckett/Sheppard)
Dead: Rodney (R). Part of a series: Prequels: A Slow Dance, Resentment, Lessons Learned and Madness and Craving, followed by A Week of Emptiness (character death), Left Behind (character death, also Beckett/Sheppard)
Two Men To A Fight, One Fight At A Time by
John gives his life for Rodney
Where the Heart Is by
John and Rodney are stranded off world. Character death in part 2: Tomorrow and closure in part 3: Testament
Wish You Were Here by url needed)
(Separated by accident, Rodney survives John and John survives Rodney (Scroll down the page for the fic)
Yellow by
Dead: Carson (PG-13)
Injured: Carson (PG-13). Warning: Character death
Your Reward is Neither Here Nor There by
Very dark, read warnings on author's site.