Tag: Atlantis Is Lost

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A Long and winding Road by kathierif_fic

John is Ronon and Teyla's slave. He's taking it better than they do.

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Gone Native by Bluflamingo

In a reality where the Ancients were never attacked by the replicators after kicking out the earth expedition from Atlantis, John has a tough choice to make.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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Of the Spotless Mind by Lunabee34

Amnesia fic heavily inspired by The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Parley by wojelah

John's got an eye-patch, and Cam's got a job offer.

Lists: Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index

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Play Crack the Sky by Titti

John feared ignorance, because what Rodney didn't know could usually kill them.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Stop the Bleeding by sian1359

John and Cam try to cope with the Atlantis expedition being kicked out by the Ancients.

Lists: Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index

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The Best Laid Plans by Bluflamingo

For the timestamp meme: Set one year after Gone Native. John and Ronon have joined forces with the Travelers to beat the Wraith.

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Stargate Atlantis is © MGM Television Entertainment . No infringiment is intended.