Author: Perryvic
Balancing Act by
He knocked again, and there was a long wait, the sort of wait that made John wonder. And a hesitation -- he heard the step behind the door, and waited before it swung open. Will looked... okay, not like he'd aged a decade in four years like John felt, but not great. Angry and tense across the eyes -- the black eye stood out impressively. Part 3 of the Desperate Tranquility verse.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Lying In the Mud But I'm Looking at the Stars by
Aliens make them mud-wrestle in psychedelic mud.
Pinned Down by
He noted some of the things that John had done to him, very expertly, and on the principle that you give something on the lines of what you would like, he had noted the focus on lack of control, the vulnerability of the genitals and sensation to breaking point. Part 4 of the Desperate Tranquility series.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index