Author: solvent90 (solvent)

A Dreadful Change by panisdead, solvent90 (solvent)

The first thing John did after Rodney turned into a werewolf.

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Break by solvent90 (solvent)

Smutty outtake from a darker future Atlantis that never got written.

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But thinking makes it so by solvent90 (solvent)

"There's nothing wrong with his brain," Doctor Carson says. John's never met a Scottish person before, but he sounds pretty much like they do on TV.

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Defuse by solvent90 (solvent)

"Bomb," Rodney said, breathless but managing the right tone of exasperation and distraction, "shut up, I got it," and he had, things clicking suddenly clear as Sheppard hauled himself to his feet and poked his pointy chin over Rodney's shoulder.

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Five Times Rodney McKay Didn't Call by solvent90 (solvent)

He hadn't expect to be homesick at college, not once he finally, finally, finally got there.

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Intense Weather Conditions by solvent90 (solvent)

It was the easiest thing to turn his head the necessary fraction, reach for the last warm thing in the world.

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Intuition by solvent90 (solvent)

John is watching Rodney; it makes him uncomfortable.

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Made-up by panisdead, solvent90 (solvent)

The Leho put makeup on John before the team's audience with the head of state.

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Making darkness in the day by solvent90 (solvent)

He's used to doing this, whatever he does with Sheppard, John, in narrow corners and odd moments, after some mission or before some disaster, inevitably hurried and half-clothed, with Atlantis waiting, humming bright and urgent, all around them.

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Recall by solvent90 (solvent)

Rodney is really going to kill them all when he's back to himself.

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Spin by solvent90 (solvent)

He doesn't know why he lets John drag him to these things.

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The physicist's guide to architecture by solvent90 (solvent)

The first time Rodney actually saw Atlantis, though, what he noticed were the leaks.

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Things being various by solvent90 (solvent)

Rodney can't even begin to explain to them how much they don't get it.

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Trope by solvent90 (solvent)

So there were these aliens, and they made them do it. And then there was obliviousness.

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When first we practice to deceive by solvent90 (solvent)

John's the best liar Rodney's ever met. It takes him a long time to realise this, years.

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Where we are in the universe by solvent90 (solvent)

They all call it that: the gene, like there's only one that really counts, Keller smiling down at him like he's just won some kind of lottery.

"Uh huh," John says. He goes home.

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White Lies by solvent90 (solvent)

Rodney and Ronon exchange lies and truths on the Wraith ship. Rodney loses track of which is which.

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