Tag: 3x07 Common Ground

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"tag" by harriet-spy

Sequel to After Such Knowledge. Michael lends John a helping hand after the events in "Common Ground."

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Captive Audience by passionstorm

Lips joined questing fingers, slipping over the newly formed wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and around his mouth.

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Hunger by Amireal

Episode: Common Ground. John/Teyla -> John/Rodney.

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In the Night a Kiss Will Give You Life by rubygirl29

Ronon reassures himself that John is okay after the events of "Common Ground".

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Regeneration (1/2) by kiku65

Part 2. Common Ground ends not with John and Todd parting ways, but with Todd taking John to his Queen.

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Simple Truths by SylvanWitch

Part 2. Things aren’t as simple as they seem (Written before Todd got his name; he goes by 'Dave' in this fic).

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Slave to Love by shao_fu

Sheppard has disappeared and Rodney and the team must find him before something terrible happens.

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The Path of Least Resistance by rubygirl29

After Common Ground, Ronon worries about John.

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Trapped by wesleysgirl

It's not every day that Sheppard gets captured and tortured without there being anything Ronon can do about it.

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Unspoken by murron

Rodney doesn't know what to think after John is returned to them.

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