Tag: 3x07 Common Ground
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Sequel to After Such Knowledge. Michael lends John a helping hand after the events in "Common Ground."
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Captive Audience by
Lips joined questing fingers, slipping over the newly formed wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and around his mouth.
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Five Things Rodney Does or Says After Common Ground That Completely Confuse John by
Hunger by
Episode: Common Ground. John/Teyla -> John/Rodney.
In the Night a Kiss Will Give You Life by
Ronon reassures himself that John is okay after the events of "Common Ground".
Regeneration (1/2) by
Part 2. Common Ground ends not with John and Todd parting ways, but with Todd taking John to his Queen.
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Simple Truths by
Part 2. Things aren’t as simple as they seem (Written before Todd got his name; he goes by 'Dave' in this fic).
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Slave to Love by
Sheppard has disappeared and Rodney and the team must find him before something terrible happens.
The Path of Least Resistance by
After Common Ground, Ronon worries about John.
Trapped by
It's not every day that Sheppard gets captured and tortured without there being anything Ronon can do about it.
Unspoken by
Rodney doesn't know what to think after John is returned to them.