Tag: Flirting
A Pointless Story by
Sexy, sweaty John is one of Rodney's favorite things.
Blush by
It's not a bug, it's a feature. Remixed as Selfish
Breakaway by
Cam and Evan first meet when they end up housing together while they're both deployed stateside. Their relationship progresses from there.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Coffee And Cake by
In which John gets promoted, meets the new Air Force liaison officer, and tries to do damage control around his oldest niece.
Colorblind by
Cam and John get together over pizza and beer.
Double Escapement by
AU: Europe, 1820; swords to ploughshares (or rather to musical instruments). Rodney wants better, louder, more...
Drawing Circles by
John thought he'd left Atlantis and the SGC behind him for good, but then one day Cam rolls into the sleepy little town where John's settled down.
Flash Point by
Rodney's an emergency management official called in to deal with an out of control Colorado wildfire. John's a smokejumper crew leader with a past. Together, they work to put out the flames of one fire, while another one ignites between them.
Flavor by
Evan is not happy with the food selection in the mess hall.
Flirting With Death by
Ford has a problem with Sheppard's behavior toward the Wraith.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Game Plan by
Rodney hates to lose, and sets up a new game plan to insure he wins next time.
Had Joys No Date Nor Age No Need by
Rodney turned and looked at John. “You know,“ he said, “I'm ready to go.“ John turned to face him, and he knew right away that Rodney was talking about more than just leaving the remnants of the festival.
Hunting Parties by
John is captured by slavers offworld, but that's only the beginning.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
LHC by
"They’re turning the Large Hadron Collider on at CERN today," Rodney said without turning.
Major Baiting by
Sheppard's thoughts as he tries to bed Major Lorne.
Midnight Train by
After his plane crash, Cam gets help with his rehabilitation by John Sheppard, physical therapist.
Moonlight on Atlantis by
John walks along the outskirts on Atlantis and finds Evan at the end of one pier.
Movie Night and First Moves by
Sheppard and Lorne know each other. But do they know ABOUT each other?
No Good Deed by
John had only planned to infiltrate the SGC in order to steal some valuable information and then disappear without a trace the way he usually did, but instead he ends up getting attached; to his team, to McKay, and to Cam in particular. What is a master thief to do when common sense tells him to finish the job and run but his heart tells him to stay?
On a Good Day by
Guard duty in alien temples passes a lot more quickly when you have someone to discuss football scores with.
One Foot in Front of the Other by
Steve McGarrett meets John Sheppard when he's out on his morning run on the beach.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Opportunities by WIP
Beckett and Sheppard cross paths regarding the project involving "Michael" but move to make amends, off hours.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Options by
John is surprised to learn that he doesn't know Ronon as well he thought he did.
Second Time Around by
Not everyone gets a second chance... Sort of coda to Second Chance but can be read stand alone.
Signals by
van’s prepared for a lonely Halloween night, when guess who shows up?
Sneak! by
John Sheppard is a sneak â€" a world-class sneaky, sneaking, sneakiest sneaky thing.
Sometimes A Bath Is Just A Bath by
John feels as if his team is splintering. He prowls around the city until he finally ends up at Rodney's door.
Stargazing by
The city’s back in Pegasus, and John and Rodney have been watching the stars together for months when Rodney floors John with a simple observation.
Steal the Moment by
John winds up in another galaxy, commanding 97 marines, with a memo giving permission for same sex relationships as long as they're discreet and his ex-boyfriend turned civilian deputy commander wanting to *talk* about who John sleeps with.
Lists: Threesomes and moresomes master list, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Straight on Till Morning by
Maybe it was the Ancient bauble's doing.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Hunt by
Prequel to Cam's Guide to Sweet Seduction. Cam moves in for the kill.
The International Bi-Annual Conference of Strategic Military Security in a Civilian Project Environment by
Becker meets John Sheppard at a conference in Hawaii.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Morning After by
John and Aiden talk the morning after their first night together.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Scientific Process by
John is going about this very systematically.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Sexy Nerd and the Rocket Jockey by
AU where John is a scientist, Cam is still a flyboy. They meet in a gay bar - John just wanted sex, but Cam wants a boyfriend. Cameo appearances by several other characters. Lots of eye rolling.
Trajectories of Two Moving Bodies by
Dr John Sheppard, the newest member of the SGC, has to deal with an embarrassing case of hero-worship when he finally meets Colonel Cameron Mitchell, leader of SG-1. But what if the attraction goes both ways?
Under the Hood by
Stuck on Earth, John Sheppard is just getting by, until he gets a lift from Cameron Mitchell.
Wanted by
A wild west AU set in about 1900, with added UST.
Wedding Duty by
John is his usual, articulate self. Good thing Rodney's a genius. Sequel: Uninvited Guests
When The Night Comes by WIP
Whilst on a trading mission, Sheppard and his team engage in some local customs. On their return to Atlantis, something is different, and Ronon finds that his growing feelings towards Sheppard might not be as one sided as he thought. However, the course of true love never did run smooth…
Where we are in the universe by
They all call it that: the gene, like there's only one that really counts, Keller smiling down at him like he's just won some kind of lottery.
"Uh huh," John says. He goes home.
Wouldn’t you like to be orange too? by
"It’s orange, Sheppard. You can’t say that the mess hall is serving ‘roast turkey’ for Christmas dinner when in actuality the meat on our plates will be orange."