Author: sheafrotherdon

37 stories indexed.

A Whole World of Trouble by sheafrotherdon

John Sheppard's a singer in the local honky-tonk; Rodney McKay's newly moved into town.

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A new history of Captain John Sheppard by sheafrotherdon

His Majesty's Aerial Corps stand ready to welcome new additions to their number; an expedition late of the Antipodes. SGA/Temeraire crossover.

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Acidimia by sheafrotherdon

TEAM ANGST: Absent Without Leave

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Head Veg by sheafrotherdon

"I would very much like to see the effect of a vegetable on your head," Teyla offered.

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Life by sheafrotherdon

What a judge and a court and two witnesses and a son have joined together, no one gets to break apart.

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Sneak! by sheafrotherdon

John Sheppard is a sneak â€" a world-class sneaky, sneaking, sneakiest sneaky thing.

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The Morning After by sheafrotherdon

"Did you just say braaaaaains?" John asks.

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Torren Land by sheafrotherdon

"Torren Land has grasshoppers," Torren says as if that settles everything, and Rodney supposes it sort of does. "For hopping grasses."

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