Tag: Marriage Proposal

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A Not So Modest Proposal by recca

"I'm pretty much left with you as the only reasonable person to assume the mantle of protecting my mind in perpetuity. So we should get married before I'm speared to death by some alien with rudimentary weapons and statistically improbable aim."

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A Serious Talk by SexyCazzy

John shares a shower with Cam after a long day and they have a serious talk about their future together.

Lists: Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index

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Another one, really? by bridgie0202

John gets hit on by another princess. Lorne decides it's time to cool things off with John.

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Cracky comment fic. by daria234

Three ways John learned to trust Ronon's instincts

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Crazy Uncle by Slybrarian

When Cam returned from the de-Ba'aling ceremony, he did the following things: got a standard post-mission checkup, changed into his civvies, made a hasty exit from the mountain before Landry could drop any paperwork on him, picked up a pizza, and got home to find his Crazy Great Uncle John had broken in and was on his couch watching the Food Network.

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Headline News by Slybrarian

Cam realized that secret make-out spots didn't necessary stay secret for twenty years right about the time his bare ass ended up on the internet.

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Holiday Drabble by race_the_ace

Someone keeps leaving presents in Cam's office.

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I Don't Ask For Much by psychicvanity

Then on a whim, John burst out, "Will you marry me?"

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Light Up by smilebackwards

Cam never had much of a plan, but something about the way the blue glow of the Ancient tech reflects in John's smile makes him think now.

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Repal of DADT by Morell WIP

DADT is repealed and Jack makes his relationship with John official.

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Stargateland drabbles by somehowunbroken

John/Cam drabbles written for a Stargateland challenge.

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The Innocent's Dark Seduction by Goddess47

"Pregnant? Yes," Rodney snarled. "Now that Dave's devious plan has worked, you know about it. Yes, it's yours. No, you don't have to have anything to do with it... her......"

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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We're Chasing All Those Stars by race_the_ace

Everybody has a secret; John Sheppard has three.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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Wedding Duty by Goddess47

John is his usual, articulate self. Good thing Rodney's a genius. Sequel: Uninvited Guests

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