Author: icantbelieveitsnotjohnsheppard
6 stories indexed.
Website: None
Website: None
Because That's All He Was by
John thinks he knows his Major. Does he?
Hullo by
The Doctor wanders into Atlantis and finds an old friend and a pissed off Canadian.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
I'd Wait Longer (... For You) by
John thought there were some upsides to being on leave.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Internal Bleeding Can Be Fun by
Every other time he's said Cameron's name he's come running.
No Problem With That by
"Major." With a nod of his head, that was the way Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard had greeted his XO and Evan had had no problem with that. But now two hours had passed and he was getting worried.
Upsides ('Pros') by
John thought there were some upsides to being on Earth... Okay, so John getting to see Cameron everyday might've been the only one, but still.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index