Tag: Madison Miller
A Hundred Happy Things by
Sequel: At the Company Picnic
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index
Baby Steps by
Don't Ask Don't Tell is history and it throws John for a loop. If he's going to come out of the closet, he'll do it at his pace.
Cardiogenesis (The Heart of the Matter) by
It was the stupidest way to die in any galaxy.
Haunted by
Rodney buys a house for himself and Madison. Of course, it's haunted.
Knot that Kind of Sheppard by
Jeannie was going to have to rethink the 'two grown men can manage one little girl for three or four hours' hypothesis.
Maddie vs the Mall by
Uncle Rodney takes Madison shopping for shoes.
My Favorite Colonel by
AU based on the Cary Grant/Irene Dunne 1940s classic movie, "My Favorite Wife."
Neverland by
Sequel to The Only One. Just because they're married doesn't mean that John's issues have magically disappeared.
Prove Your Hypothesis Right by
The things he does for a date, Rodney thinks as he picks his way through the crowd of soccer moms. Jeannie has promised him that John, the father of one of Madison's friends, will be at the recital and that's all Rodney needed to hear before he agreed to go.
Screen Savor by
The Glitter Strikes Again and MOdel Behavior
The Bare Necessities of Life by
"Uncle John, come too," Madison says sleepily, lifting her arm from Rodney's shoulder and reaching toward John.
The Happiest Place on Earth by
Part of the Red Ribbon verse.
The Journey Home: John's Story by
Rodney protests John's discharge after "The Return" by quitting SGC and going back to Earth with him.
The Observer by
A man on the run kidnaps a couple on Christmas Eve.
Secondary pairings: Jeannie/Kaleb Miller, Dave/Helen Sheppard, Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan, Evan Lorne/Radek Zelenka
The Raising Madison Series by
Becomes AU after "Trinity" but carries significant spoilers for "McKay and Mrs. Miller".