Tag: Original Character
Age of Minority by
Cam finds that being turned into a teenager isn't what it's cracked up to be.
An Eye For An Eye by
Part of the Excubiae Perpetua series. John and Cam have a discussion with a professor and make a new friend.
Best Man for the Job by
John, unfortunately, really thinks he is the best man for the job.
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Cardiogenesis (The Heart of the Matter) by
It was the stupidest way to die in any galaxy.
Five People John Sheppard Didn't Kill on P11-23R by
The boys get kidnapped, John gets them out. Told by five people he doesn't kill in the process.
Forget by
Atlantis is stuck on earth, John's been reassigned and his team is scattered to the wind. Lonely and depressed, he does what he can to forget.
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Holiday Drabble by
One of John’s favorite things about Christmas is the way Connor was all his for the day.
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Hunting Parties by
John is captured by slavers offworld, but that's only the beginning.
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I Still Can't Turn Away by
John goes surfing. Part of the being Connor Sheppard-Davids series.
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If You Weather Love by
This was supposed to be the hooker fic where neither John nor Cam are hookers. I mean, it’s still that fic, but somewhere along the line, it was less about the hooker and more about the symbolism that Cam doesn’t get but that doesn’t matter because John will explain it if Cam asks.
Jinx by
Post-series, the reason behind John's suicidal tendencies becomes apparent.
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John Sheppard's Guide to Making Friends in the Pegasus Galaxy by
John makes a new friend. John/sentient bear creature, John/many.
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Lesson of the Day by
John asks his riding instructor for a make-up lesson. WARNING: Underage sex.
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No Damsels by
Cam comes to John's rescue. Or so he thinks...
One Man's Luck (The Commonalities of Tense Structure in Seven Ancient Languages Remix) by
Michael Wendell is the first man John Sheppard ever has sex with. Michael Wendell is really really lucky. Remix of Long Way to Fall (McKay/Sheppard).
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Palms and Eyes Open Wide by
Aliens made them drink, the drinking made them do pretty much everything else. Part of the Being Connor Sheppard-Davies series.
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Something in a Sunday by
After Enemy at the Gate, John has bad luck with a dating agency. Also, Rodney has issues.
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Start the Bidding At... by
John is captured by slavers and ends up spending two horrifying years as a slave before he's finally rescued.
The Quest for Power by
Todd kidnaps Lorne. John wants him back.
This Place Was an Empire by
John wakes up freaky mind-bonded to Connor and things get weird from there.
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Two of a Kind by
In which John Sheppard and his twin brother find an unique way to regroup after a hockey match.
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You Saved Me by
Evan is in a abusive relationship and John finds out and saves him.