Tag: Crossover - Sentinel

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"Rodney McKay (unbonded Guide) and John Sheppard ("bonded" Sentinel) have figured out how to live the lives they want, and things should probably stay that way."

Sentinel crossover where John is a Sentinel and Rodney is a Guide.

The link directs to AO3, but the fic is also posted in multiple parts on the authors LJ. Author has mentioned the possibility of a sequel

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Right in Front of Me by Rina, Orithain

Rodney McKay is a sentinel without a guide, but he's still the smartest man in Atlantis.

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The Sentinel And Guide Of Atlantis by Belladonna

Missing scene: Mt. Rushmore Or Bust. Crossover with The Sentinel. McKay/Sheppard (first time in the missing scene), Jim/Blair, Jack/Daniel, one time Jim/Blair/Daniel.

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The Sentinels of Atlantis by Keira Marcos

While the main focus of this series is the slash pairing of Sheppard/McKay there are secondary het pairings. The pairings that appear in the series: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran, Jennifer Keller/Evan Lorne, Teyla Emmagen/Ronon Dex, Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson, Laura Cadman/Aidan Ford, James Stackhouse/Thomas Markham, and Radek Zelenka/David Parrish.
Sentinel John Sheppard thought he’d spend his life unbonded and then he met Dr. Rodney McKay. The mission to Atlantis is their mutual path and they will gather the strongest, brightest, and best for the mission that will take them to another galaxy.

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