Tag: Superpowers

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Desolation by Bronwyn

Radek wants Rodney, but finds the truth the hard way.

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For the Good of All Mankind by apple-pi

Rodney gets temporary "supersmell".

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The Air That Angels Breathe by Keira Marcos

Mutant!Verse. John has hid his mutation all of his life and then everything changes in an instant.

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Three Times Rodney McKay had a Superpower; One Time He Was Just a Hero by sardonicsmiley

What it all adds up to is four times John thought he was going to lose Rodney.

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Twofold by moonmip

John can duplicate himself.

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Using Occam's Razor to Skin Schrödinger's Cat by Sajinn

Scroll down for the story chapters. McKay/Sheppard, Beckett/Sheppard, McKay/Beckett > McKay/Sheppard/Beckett. The three of them get transformed into alien hybrids with shapeshifting powers (scroll down for the story chapters)

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Well, isn't this bloody Fantastic! by Azilver

The team become the Fantastic Four: John = Mr. Fantastic, Rodney = Human Torch, Teyla = Invisible Woman & Ronon = The Thing.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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You Can't Always Get by MrsHamill

All of them get temporary superpowers.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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